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About Shazzer

  • Birthday April 19

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, MSFS2020
  • Location
    Central Cali.
  • Interests
    Technologist \ Laser Engraving
  • Occupation
    Cisco Voice Engineer

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  1. ok I was slow but does not explain the AI problem with missiles. I was not aware slow speed rocket launches would kill the engines. Learned something new
  2. ok......I just loaded up pylons 1 & 4 with rockets. When I fire them both engines die. Same for MP and SP.......wth
  3. Having an issue with Ai Petrovich, once all missiles are fired from the outer MSL pylons. He then reports we are out of missiles. However, pylons 1 & 4 have the same missile type but he will not use them. Anyone else running into this issue?
  4. Are there any plans to improve the graphics. This is the first map that new players see \ experience. Also, the F10 map is horrible zooming in and out as well.
  5. PLEASE~~~~ Spawning dynamic ground units avoiding scenery (Buildings) or at least the option to. IMO..This would be a huge improvement to the maps \ game
  6. ++ Wishlist - A native Linux client for dedicated servers. PLEASE!!
  7. I just want to share a bat file I wrote to update DCS Server when a change is detected on the https://updates.digitalcombatsimulator.com/ site I am using a program called "Website-Watcher" to monitor for any changes to the specific text. Once a change is detected, it launches my bat file that shuts down any running servers, updates DCS, restores the missionscripting.lua file then restarts the servers. This script has worked wonderfully for the last three updates. I am using "Website-Watcher" to monitor https://updates.digitalcombatsimulator.com/ but any website scrapper that can launch a bat file will work. null echo Starting Update Tasks timeout /t 3 /nobreak :CheckDCS echo "Checking if DCS Servers are running" :: Update the Server names (Instance) taskkill /F /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq Dedicated-001" 2>NUL | find /I /N "Dedicated-001">NUL taskkill /F /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq Dedicated-002" 2>NUL | find /I /N "Dedicated-002">NUL taskkill /F /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq Dedicated-003" 2>NUL | find /I /N "Dedicated-003">NUL IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==0 GOTO RunDCSUpdater echo "DCS is still running. Checking again in 30 seconds." timeout /t 30 /nobreak GOTO CheckDCS :RunDCSUpdater START "" /high "C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta Server\bin\DCS_updater.exe" --quiet update" timeout /t 30 /nobreak GOTO CheckDCSUpdater :CheckDCSUpdater echo "Checking if DCS Updater has completed updating" TASKLIST /FI "IMAGENAME eq DCS_updater.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "DCS_updater.exe">NUL IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==0 GOTO RestoreUnsanitizedMissionScripting echo "DCS is updating. Checking again in 30 seconds." timeout /t 30 /nobreak GOTO CheckDCSUpdater :RestoreUnsanitizedMissionScripting echo "Restoring unsanitized MissionScripting.lua File" START "" "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\xcopy.exe" /Y "C:\Users\Administrator\Saved Games\Mission Scripting Backup\MissionScripting.lua" "C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta Server\Scripts" timeout /t 3 /nobreak GOTO StartDedicatedServers :StartDedicatedServers echo "Starting DCS Servers" timeout /t 3 /nobreak START "" /high "C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta Server\bin\DCS.exe" --server --norender --webgui -w Dedicated-001" timeout /t 30 /nobreak START "" /high "C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta Server\bin\DCS.exe" --server --norender --webgui -w Dedicated-002" timeout /t 30 /nobreak START "" /high "C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta Server\bin\DCS.exe" --server --norender --webgui -w Dedicated-003" timeout /t 30 /nobreak START "" /high "C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta Server\bin\DCS.exe" --server --norender --webgui -w Dedicated-004" timeout /t 30 /nobreak :: START "" /high "C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta Server\bin\DCS.exe" --server --norender --webgui -w Dedicated-005" :: timeout /t 30 /nobreak echo "Update and restart of the dedicated servers has been completed" I hope this helps and pls share any other ideas, tweaks or other methods Shazzer DCS_Auto_Update.bat
  8. Any plans to move this project to github for ease of bug tracking and releases?
  9. When I can get it to show up - That is the "Outbound" NAT source port of the vm coming out of PFSense. Trying to connect to it fails (As expected). The client IP is anything on the 192 network would only pass thru the first NAT from inside VM network 10.0.0.X to the I would expect to see on that client the That is what I am hung up on.....
  10. I am stumped by an issue of why a client can not see a server in the server browser. Now before I get the (Put the google fiber modem into bridge mode etc. etc.), This is not an option due to Google TV box on the network. Also, We have multiple servers and Google Fiber only allows one DMZ Client The person\DCS Client can put in the IP\port and can log in with no issues. Everyone else in the world can see the servers.....Works perfect... If I shutdown PFSense and move a single server to the DMZ IP. The server shows up in the server browser list..... I have tried opening every TCP\UDP port to the 192. Network, 1:1 NAT, Multicast etc..... How does DCS Client look for servers? There has to be something I am missing
  11. I am concerned that VR performance will tank with the new clouds.....Any graphics performance improvements to help offset this? New clouds look amazing btw! Not complaining
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