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We are uploading this mod to be submitted to your


so it's good for the latest OB version and it's for use with

JGSME necessarily . We look forward to your feedback to find out if this version works or not. (Thank you)

This version works super well on the stable.

Eric and Patrick Cuesta.







Nous mettons ce mod en téléchargement pour être soumis a vos



donc c'est bien pour la dernière version OB et c'est a utiliser avec obligatoirement avec le


JGSME. On attends vos retours avec impatience pour savoir si cette version fonctionne ou pas.(merci)


Cette version fonctionne super bien sur la stable.

Eric et Patrick Cuesta.



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Merci My friends!



This works a treat!



Please note to all users,

This mod must be installed into the main DCS folder.

It will dis-able the KA-50, replacing it with the Apache.



Awesome job!





"Yeah, and though I work in the valley of Death, I will fear no Evil. For where there is one, there is always three. I preparest my aircraft to receive the Iron that will be delivered in the presence of my enemies. Thy ALCM and JDAM they comfort me. Power was given unto the aircrew to make peace upon the world by way of the sword. And when the call went out, Behold the "Sword of Stealth". And his name was Death. And Hell followed him. For the day of wrath has come and no mercy shall be given."

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Merci My friends!



This works a treat!



Please note to all users,

This mod must be installed into the main DCS folder.

It will dis-able the KA-50, replacing it with the Apache.



Awesome job!






Thank you Greg,:) for responding so quickly and happy to hear you, it's nice. I saw that you put the weapons of Ka-50 it is necessary to create a new band to find the weapons of APACHE (AGM114 and others.)


Merci Greg, d'avoir répondu si vite et heureux de t'entendre ca fait plaisir. J'ai vu que tu as mis les armes du Ka-50 il faut créer une nouvelle bande pour retrouver les armes de l APACHE (AGM114 et autres.)


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Is the camera and gun movement limited to the same arc as the KA-50 ?


Politeness is not your strength, we will do the same we will not answer your question


LA politesse n'étant pas ton fort, nous ferons de même nous ne répondrons pas a ta question


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Politeness is not your strength, we will do the same we will not answer your question


LA politesse n'étant pas ton fort, nous ferons de même nous ne répondrons pas a ta question



Appologies if I offended you , it was not my intent

Was just wanting to know if the camera and gun had a larger movement range than the ka-50 one does

maybe this was lost in translation? (I cannot speak french sorry)



Toutes mes excuses si je vous ai offensé, ce n'était pas mon intention

Je voulais juste savoir si la caméra et le pistolet avaient une plage de mouvement plus grande que celle du ka-50.

peut-être que cela a été perdu dans la traduction? (Je ne parle pas français désolé)

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Appologies if I offended you , it was not my intent

Was just wanting to know if the camera and gun had a larger movement range than the ka-50 one does

maybe this was lost in translation? (I cannot speak french sorry)



Toutes mes excuses si je vous ai offensé, ce n'était pas mon intention

Je voulais juste savoir si la caméra et le pistolet avaient une plage de mouvement plus grande que celle du ka-50.

peut-être que cela a été perdu dans la traduction? (Je ne parle pas français désolé)



AH Ok sorry for the mistake, so in this case the barrel works exactly like the old Mod there has been no improvement made it continues to have an amplitude of -10 to 10


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please would you tell us how to install? sorry but i,m really lost about it.


Here is the procedure


You put the instal .exe finally the yellow icon of JGSME in the root of DCS you double click on it, it will create you a Mod folder which you rename in MOD JGSME for example, you will be able to create a shortcut for the icon which opens the JGSME and one for your MOD JSGME file. It is in this folder that you put our APACHE Mod.

and all future mods of this type.

Before launching DCS you launch the JGSME and send the mod APACHE to the right.

PLEASE NOTE if you want to use the Ka-50 you will have to reset the APACHE mod on the left.



HERE IS A LINK : https://www.lockonfiles.com/forums/topic/41242-ebss-the-ultimate-dcs-world-jsgme-guide-if-you-use-mods-you-need-this/


Also works with OVGME



Voici la procédure


Tu mets l'instal .exe enfin l'icone jaune du JGSME dans la racine de DCS tu double click dessus, il va te créer un dossier Mod que tu renommes en MOD JGSME par exemple, tu pourras créer un racourci pour l'icone qui t'ouvre le JGSME et un pour ton dossier MOD JSGME . C'est dans ce dossier que tu mets notre Mod APACHE. et tous les futurs mods de ce type.

Avant de lancer DCS tu lances le JGSME et tu envoies le mod APACHE à droite.

ATTENTION si tu veux utiliser le Ka-50 il faudra remettre le mod APACHE à gauche.


Fonctionne aussi avec OVGME

Edited by Patrick56


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