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DIY Collective

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Hey All,


I'm looking to build a cheap DIY Collective for the Huey. I'm going to just make a cheapo frame and do a Hall Effect Sensor and PVC arm mounted to it. I'm also planning to do a twist throttle and a few buttons/switches on a panel at the end and on the console.


I'd like to incorporate an adjustable hydraulic damper to maintain position of the collective when I have to take my hand off, but I'm having issues locating one.


Figured I'd consult the Gestalt of this forum and see if you all knew of anything that might fit the bill. Basically, a screendoor arm that can be set to maintain it's position when no pressure is applied.


Also, if anyone has any twist throttle recommendations I'd appreciate it. I've found a few online but having no frame of reference is making it a difficult choice.



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From what I've seen on the forums thus far, motorcycle steering dampers have been the most popular option.


Here's this thread: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=123727&highlight=Damper

And this thread: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=118651&highlight=Damper&page=3


Same thread as the last one, but with pictures: http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2033066&postcount=116

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