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Multiplayer Server List Question

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One of the features I've always liked regarding the new Multiplayer features was the fact you could see who was playing on the various servers. I noticed recently (at least for me) that when I highlight a server in order to see who is on it, I get the mission description, mission settings in terms of what is allowed, what is not etc. but no list of players and what they are flying. It always stays blank. Some servers shows the list, others, like the 104th do not.


Is anyone else seeing this? And if so, is this a bug?

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It appears to be a bug, though DCS log does identify the issue with this message:


WARNING NET: mizInfo too big, cutting short the server desc...
WARNING NET: mizInfo still too big, cutting out the player list...


I have been able to clear the error and get the player list to show by moving all of the briefing to the tasks in the mission editor. If I left any part in the mission briefing area, I would get the error and player list would not show. Seems to be mainly affecting very large missions.

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Thanks for checking on this and confirming it is a bug. I didn't see anyone else mentioning this but for a while now I noticed this happening when I'd go online and couldn't see who was playing and what aircraft were featured in the mission. Hope ED fixes this ASAP. Was and is a great feature of multiplayer IMHO.

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