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10 turn pots


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can i use these potentiometers for hdg bug control and the like. they were in some old sound measuring devices i found at the garbage dumb while looking for toggle switches. i have a few rotary encoders but they dont seem stable even with diodes , the pots seems very high quality and turn so smooth i dont want to waste them but cant think what else they would be good for other then trim.


to clarify they take 10 turns to go from 0% to 100%.

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Aren't 10 turns for trimming way too much ? I have found that a good single turn pot with a 12bit controller is precise enough for trim.

I cannot imagine where else could be those 10 turns useful. I can see even a problem in appreciating the current position ....

Anyway, nice piece of hardware to have arround :)

Romanian Community for DCS World

HW Specs: AMD 7900X, 64GB RAM, RTX 4090, HOTAS Virpil, MFG, CLS-E, custom

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i know on airliners the trim wheels are large and have multiple turns. it basicly allows more accuracy if i have read right. for eg. on a standard pot u turn it a few degree and u get 20 or 30 % with this one u get 2 or 3, it allows u to make much smaller movements but making use of it in sim is the problem i have lol

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Not by my gamer pc but of the top of my head I don't think you can use a potentiometer for the heading bug. Game takes increase and decrease digital inputs (A-10C). I think DCS-BIOS does too.


but as said I am not by pc so I may not be recalling correctly.




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