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OT- what's a good tool to join videos?

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I need a software that can join 2 separate videos togther. I accidently created 2 large video files for my school project (it has some images of lock on so that's why i'm asking here). So instead of trying to combine the 2 video files together through windows movie maker and wait a really long time for it to produce, is there an easier way to just simply combine it together? Any tips of software would be appreciated (hopefully free)


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If the videos have precisely equal parameters of audio and video streams, then it can be done using VirtualDub.


Videostreams: the same width, height, fps, codec.

Audiostreams: the same sampling rate, codec and bitrate.


Open the 1st file in VirtualDub,

Then go to "File" - "Append AVI segment..." and open the second one. It will be added to the end of previous one.

Then choose "Video" - "Direct stream copy", so there will be no re-encoding.

Then press F7 and save to a new video file.



Err, that's all about AVIs ONLY. No WMV.

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