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The MiG-29 confuses me

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Alright, I don't usually fly the MiG-29, but, as far as I know, it should be similar to the flanker but with a shorter range and weaker radar.


Well, today I was flying the second mission in the MiG-29S last chance campaign, and I noticed my missiles behaving strangely. The first R-77 I fired sort of "semi-guided" itself towards an F-16. I launched from approximately 15 kilometers out, and the missile just sort of curved gently as if trying to get behind the F-16, which was performing a beam maneuvre, instead of flying ahead to intercept it. Needless to say, it missed. I fired a second R-77 that didn't guide itself at all. Then I fired an R-27ET that also did not guide itself. Finally, I fired a second R-27ET that was able to guide itself and knock the F-16 out.


Now, how the hell did that happen? I never have this sort of thing happen to me in the flanker. What would cause an R-77 not to guide itself or to "semi-guide?" Furthemore, I thought a heat-seaker, not being tied to any sort of radar system, would not experience any odd malfunctions, but it just flew straight from the direction I launched it and into the ground. I did not manually authorize launch and I had both the IRST and Radar functional. I also launched from very moderate distances. So, what's going on?


Fortunately, the mission was a success, but I had to gun down the last F-16 since more than half of my missiles did not work for some reason.

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Well, several things could be happening, depending on the situation, I suppose. First, like all AMRAAMs, the R-77 is not fire-and-forget. It's onboard radar only has the signal strength to reach out about 10 km. So, until it's within 10 km of the target, you must continue guiding it. Otherwise, once it's within range, it won't be looking in the right direction. Were you maintaining the lock, especially with the first missile?


Next, even if you do guide it long enough, it is still susceptible to countermeasures (chaff) and also beaming, if it's in a look down situation.


The R-27ET's seeker range depends on the target aspect and other factors but, usually, the range is about 15 km. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Again, countermeasures can come into play. But since you didn't override the launch, I imagine the first -27ET was spoofed by flares.


EDIT: Wow! Took me a few minutes to write this and 2 replies showed up before mine. :)



YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU1...CR6IZ7crfdZxDg



Win 10 Pro x64, ASUS Z97 Pro MoBo, Intel i7-4790K, EVGA GTX 970 4GB, HyperX Savage 32GB, Samsung 850 EVO 250 GB SSD, 2x Seagate Hybrid Drive 2TB Raid 0.

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It happens before the missile seeker itself burns through, which is <15km.


But like other said, this may have been something else too: Too high crossing rate causing the seeker to gimbal out, lock onto chaff or flare, overriden launch beyond seeker range for IR, etc.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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I doubt it has to do with counter-measures. Take note that the second R-77 and first R-27ET did not guide at all. Had counter-measures come into play, the missiles would have guided themselves towards the countermeasures, but they simply flew straight into the ground or off into the distance without manuevering. The first R-77 did seem like it was bound for the F-16. Despite it's strange trajectory, the nose was always pointed towards the F-16, not towards any chaff.


The target's ECM was off--I had a clear radar lock.


I was within 16 or so km when I fired the first R-77 and around 10km when I fired the second one (the one that did not guide). I was within 6-7 km when I fired the first ET and around 4km when I fired the second one (this one hit). The target's altitude was close to 600 meters; I was at 800 meters. I never lost radar lock, and even if beaming is a possible explanation for the R-77s, it does not explain the ET.

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Guess both 'seekers' behave the same way, only difference is that one likes chaff, the other flares, and one can be beamed. The ir one is dependant on the target relative angle, the R guided one only when beaming. R guided missiles give a RWR spike, IR ones don't.


There you have your lockon missile logic. And, yes, in real life it's different, but wth, we'll get a chopper to crash, who needs missiles then?

Creedence Clearwater Revival:worthy:

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I fly the MIG29 a fair bit and it's worth keeping a couple of things in mind:


Firstly, it's radar is much weaker than the SU27. Secondly, just because you have the aircraft pointed at the target and have a lock does not mean you are guiding SARH missiles effectively. CHECK YOUR HUD. IF the radar lock is brocken in Russian craft the passive heat system takes over and will attempt to maintain the lock, and it does not guide SARH missiles to their target.


To use the MIG (and Russian aircraft in general) with SARH missiles prevent the target from flying in the notch.


Best of fortunes.

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F-pole, F-pole, F-pole with SARH against AI. Humans can fly sloppy and forget to beam, or just dump lots of chaff with pre programmed hotas macros. Ever since I was a division commander in our oh-so-dead 'online campaign alliance', I have flown the mig-29C as the main plane, and it lacks range and gunzo capabilities (actually it rocks in gunzo, but with unlimited fuel, and that's for n00bs, online at least), so the R-77/R-27ET are its primary means of survival. It is best to not use the radar at all, but use either 'BVR' EOS, or coordinate with teammates that have enemy bearings, and lock them with EOS and your eyes. Rule nr.2, never use afterburner in flight, and, if taking off from a normal runway, on take off. Centerline tank is obvious, on some missions that isn't enough, so you'll have to get and asymmetrical loadout of either 1xR-73, 3x R-77, 1X R-27ET, 1150l fuel or 2xR-73, 2x R-77, 1xR-27ET 1150l fuel.

Oh, and use TS for the coordination with your teammates and possible IFF (if you have the guts, otherwise blink your radar).


About the missiles, yes, the R-77 and other radar guided missiles (except aim-120 and R-27(E)R) seem to have this 'fly in a straight line, then explode' bug, it's there since day 1, but has become more rare in 1.12a. Just don't fire your missiles in 'doubtful' situations (target about to go in the notch), and you'll be fine against the evil AI.

Creedence Clearwater Revival:worthy:

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