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A10c 1 and Black Shark 1 Free to good home!


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I own both of these DVD's.


I have the inserts with serial numbers.


They will run on windows XP with very low requirements.


I would like to give them to someone who,


1)Is perhaps younger and can not afford a better pc


2)down on luck


3) Knows someone who would get the most out of them


4) Deserves them!


I had a great time with them before I could afford to upgrade.


Would like to see that happen again!


I have checked with ED and I can transfer or convey the license without a problem.


pm me with your request or recommendations.


I will reply to all and decide in a couple of weeks.



"Yeah, and though I work in the valley of Death, I will fear no Evil. For where there is one, there is always three. I preparest my aircraft to receive the Iron that will be delivered in the presence of my enemies. Thy ALCM and JDAM they comfort me. Power was given unto the aircrew to make peace upon the world by way of the sword. And when the call went out, Behold the "Sword of Stealth". And his name was Death. And Hell followed him. For the day of wrath has come and no mercy shall be given."

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