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F-15 Skin CDDS

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I have tried that but it doesn't seam to work with files 2 and 3 the right side goes to C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\Bazar\World WorldTexturesBMP.cdds. Lock on reads WorldTexturesBMP2.cdds for the r side of those two files and so I am ending up with two different colors on the F-15 I can manually install correctly as in Ices Bmp to CDDS instruction. I am just wondering if some one has found a better fix that will work with all files of the F-15 and Modman. Thanks



CNCs and Laser engravers are great but they can't do squat with out a precise set of plans.

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Has any body found a fix for installing F-15 skins easily in to CDDS file with Modman?


I am preparing to release new mod solves such problems.

Could you try this?




DOWNLOAD ModMan package 125MB


*** CAUTION *** Please read carefully!


Installation procedure:

1) Uninstall all other texture mods first.

2) Install this mod (the state will be yellow), then exit ModMan.

3) Restart ModMan and let it regenerate the textures index.


Uninstallation procedure:

1) Uninstall all other texture mods first.

2) Uninstall this mod, then exit ModMan.

3) Open \LockOn\Bazar\World\ folder and make sure there are no ~.cdds.org files.

If there are any, delete the same name .cdds files and

rename ~.cdds.org files as ~.cdds

4) Restart ModMan and let it regenerate the textures index.


DO NOT reinstall this over its partially-installed state. Fully uninstall this first.


DO NOT install "Russian Seat Fix" over this mod.

TekaTeka from Japan


Visit my site Beyond Visual Range.

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I installed with the exact directions that you posted. The little thing stayed yellow when I exited and when I came back it was still yellow; you say its normal. I installed all previous mods + the skin I made about 2 months ago in which still doesn't work =/(LO doesn't us the mip-maps in the dds. I am using the DDS converter that Deadman posted a wile back to install using the dds files.


Should I just use the raw bmp files and tga files?

Is this in it's final state could there still be bugs?

Should I completely remove the files from modman and just not uninstall from lockon?

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I installed with the exact directions that you posted. The little thing stayed yellow when I exited and when I came back it was still yellow; you say its normal. I installed all previous mods + the skin I made about 2 months ago in which still doesn't work =/(LO doesn't us the mip-maps in the dds. I am using the DDS converter that Deadman posted a wile back to install using the dds files.


Should I just use the raw bmp files and tga files?

Is this in it's final state could there still be bugs?

Should I completely remove the files from modman and just not uninstall from lockon?


Well, you have to follow some rules to insert textures into cdds files.


1) Textures must have same names and same sizes as the originals.


2) When you manually convert files to dds format, they must have correct names and format. They also must have maximum mipmaps.

BMP: Original name: ABC.BMP -> Format: DXT1, DDS name: ABC.BMP.dds

TGA: Original name: ABC.TGA -> Format: DXT5, DDS name: ABC.TGA.dds

* In DDS Converter 2, check 'Build mipmaps' and set 'Number' to 0.


The cdds mod is the final state and should not have any bugs.

You do not have to remove other mods, just uninstall.


My cdds files have no double-named files, so no mixed up texture installation will occur. And, the texture formats are only DXT1 and DXT5 that Modman can handle correctly. All correctly sized textures can be installed into cdds.

TekaTeka from Japan


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Teka Teaka I admire the huge amount of work you have put into this. Correct me if I am wrong please it appears that you have removed WorldTexturesBMP2.cdds and the conflict in the F-15 files, but also remove the other Bmp located there with out adding any of the other files to one of the CDDS files you have kept. I understand you thinking but for the size of the download it deletes too much to solve a smaller problem. Would it be possible just to modify the WorldTexturesBMP2.cdds file by removing the two F-15 files repack it in to CDDS format and the use the modman instillation. With this method you may have a smaller file and you may add some other things like the rest of the su-27 files in high resolution and A-10 files in 2048x248 just a thought. Please don’t take this a criticism in any way I am a huge fan of your work .It just my thoughts on the subject. Respectfully Deadman



CNCs and Laser engravers are great but they can't do squat with out a precise set of plans.

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Teka Teaka I admire the huge amount of work you have put into this. Correct me if I am wrong please it appears that you have removed WorldTexturesBMP2.cdds and the conflict in the F-15 files, but also remove the other Bmp located there with out adding any of the other files to one of the CDDS files you have kept. I understand you thinking but for the size of the download it deletes too much to solve a smaller problem. Would it be possible just to modify the WorldTexturesBMP2.cdds file by removing the two F-15 files repack it in to CDDS format and the use the modman instillation. With this method you may have a smaller file and you may add some other things like the rest of the su-27 files in high resolution and A-10 files in 2048x248 just a thought. Please don’t take this a criticism in any way I am a huge fan of your work .It just my thoughts on the subject. Respectfully Deadman

My mod is for general users. You can make your own customized cdds very easily by using CDDS studio.


1) Extract all textures from the original cdds.

This tool might be useful. http://www.lockonfiles.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownloaddetails&cid=82&lid=590&ttitle=Editing_Textures#dldetails

2) Remove unnecessary textures and replace some with higher resolution textures. etc.

3) Reconstruct cdds from them by CDDS studio.

4) Replace the cdds with the original.

TekaTeka from Japan


Visit my site Beyond Visual Range.

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Thanks for the tip I have made the file have all the F-15 skins working and have kept all the other files. As a generl user I think this will work best for me thanks again



CNCs and Laser engravers are great but they can't do squat with out a precise set of plans.

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Thanks for the tip I have made the file have all the F-15 skins working and have kept all the other files. As a generl user I think this will work best for me thanks again


You are welcome!

This information might be what you want to know, too.

How to have HiRes Textures without using TempTexture directory

TekaTeka from Japan


Visit my site Beyond Visual Range.

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