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Gazelle cockpit swithes


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I saw a video my friend made inside the Gazelle, I instantly fell in love with the switches. Now the Honeywells inside the A-10 look a little dull. I doubt I'll ever buy them, but does anyone have any info on the switches used in the Gazelle?

Light the tires kick the fires!



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I'm not looking for any specific switch. I'm more just looking for fun, I'm a but of a switch nut. Besides, the switches in the A-10C run for $50 each. The magnetically held ones are shy of $1000 each. So if I find info on the Gazelle's switches chances are they're out of my price range

Light the tires kick the fires!



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You can find switches for the A-10C from $2.00 each and up. I know a member that just purchased 5 Mag switches for under $20.00 for all 5. You need to know what to look for Yes there is a switch list for the A-10 C with part numbers. educate your self on the parts number you will be surprised how reasonable you can find mil surplus parts.



CNCs and Laser engravers are great but they can't do squat with out a precise set of plans.

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Looking at the pictures here, https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1563654&postcount=70


These may look like some of them;





The F0214 is as far as I could figure out the NATO supplier code for ECE


The 610-5F (small bat) is an ON-ON toggle switch non-locking


The 27.610.2n is an ON-ON toggle with locking in key way side




Edited by Hansolo
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Those look like the same switches are used in the Mirage. They definitely are some nice looking switches. But the price for mil-spec switches is less nice :pilotfly:


Anyone handy with 3d editing software who can work out some sleeves to 3D print that look like them, that will fit on a standard 12mm toggle? :D

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If anyone was interested in this, i could work something out.

I would be :)

But I doubt it would be worth your effort at the moment, since I am only working on a single panel (at this time, but pit building has proven to be addictive :D). So with 4 "white dot" toggle sleeves I am all set.




But, the M2000 cockpit is full of those 2 types of switches, so in the future I might be in for a bunch more. (Some other Mirage pitters who want some? :pilotfly: )

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I would be :)

But I doubt it would be worth your effort at the moment, since I am only working on a single panel (at this time, but pit building has proven to be addictive :D). So with 4 "white dot" toggle sleeves I am all set.




But, the M2000 cockpit is full of those 2 types of switches, so in the future I might be in for a bunch more. (Some other Mirage pitters who want some? :pilotfly: )


It dosnt matter if your the only one interested, it dosnt seem like a too big of a task, and im happy to help :)


The big switch top is not a problem to print, but it seems that the small black switches are the same size as normal toggle switches, so i think the best solution os to paint one black with a white dot in the end.


I can of course turn a little 2.5mm "hole" in the top, so its easier to paint the dot, it will however take some time doing... taking the switch apart, turnign it in the lathe, and reassemble it.


i found this document with some dimensions:



Maybe i can even "hammer" the dot in the end of a switch lever.... ill try something :) But the black paint will problaly wear off after some use...






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Man, you guys are awesome! Thanks for the info, and I will definiatly keep my eyes out for surplus now.


Also I will totally 3D model anything you want I know autodesk inventor pretty well. Maybe if you have a 3d printer we could work something out like I model a bunch of stuff for you and you print a like 2 things for me?


Also that panel is looking pretty damn pretty how are you planning on making it?

Light the tires kick the fires!



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Hi Braeden108,


Found them in the basement :-) Bought a bundle of toggle switces last year and the ones on the pictures were among them. The NATO supplier code I found here http://awin.aviationweek.com/wad/wad_pdf/wad_vendor_codes.pdf




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