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MFFB2 central position error


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Loving the craft, purchased after the 1.5.5 update so I can't say if it did it previously but my issue is, I have found on many occasions that for no reason whatsoever the auto centering of the ffb on the stick is 50% more to the left, tested with all other aircraft and I don't get this issue

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  • 11 months later...

Anyone else having this issue? Recently bought the F5 and it's tricky keeping level with all that force!


Edit - Managed to sort the trim out. Watching the control position indicator I realised that the forces didn't move correctly while adjusting the trimmer. I experimented with the FF settings and all was fine.

Edited by Vitesse2l
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  • 3 weeks later...

Guys, it sounds like what you're experiencing is the X and Y force axis swapped. You can access the Force Feedback axis controls and swap the X and Y axis to fix this.


The reason you're occasionally seeing sudden large left stick input is because the aircraft is spawning in with takeoff trim applied. The force is being applied to the X axis instead of the Y.


Something else you need to know is the the force that controls centering won't match up properly if you have any curve applied to your stick axis.

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