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Unstable RPM on multiplayer


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Well as the title says, whenever I start up the Viggen in multiplayer, the RPM, instead of staying at a certain value they start oscillating (usually between 41%-49%) and I don't really don't know what to do because doing the start up in the same way in single player everything seems to be fine. Even though the Viggen that strange thing on MP it flies well and without problems, it is just that thing at the start up that bothers me a little bit.


I'm guessing it is just a bug but whatever, any ideas? Thank you for your attention.


EDIT: I've made a little YouTube video so you can see it for yourselves (here). As I said it oscillates between 50 and 55 and on the Light Caution Panel the message XTANK BRA whenever the RPM get to 50%. (sorry for the little noise in the background)

Edited by TheSmouk
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I think it's caused by a certain wind strength. Create a mission in the editor with 0 wind whatsoever and it doesn't happen. Then change the value at ground level to 2 m/s or higher and this effect you mentioned should happen.


Except this is intended behavior (ain't happening on other aircraft) or most likely a bug.

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