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Welcome to HAVE DOUGHNUT, a special project undertaken by the US Air Force Foreign Technology Division. The scope of this project is to evaluate the MiG-21 BIS aircraft’s performance against today’s front line US combat aircraft. Our goal is to learn the capabilities and characteristics of the MiG-21 in order to develop effective tactics to counter it.


Today’s mission you will be flying the F-5E Tiger II against the MiG-21 in three simulated engagements northwest of the airfield.


This mission features a ton of custom voice overs, interesting triggers and a realistic mission environment modelled on actual evaluation missions that PROJECT HAVE DOUGHNUT flew form Area 51 in 1968.





DOWNLOAD LINK: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/2844281/




Today’s hop will be a series of three, 1v1 engagements between the F-5E and MiG-21 northwest of HOMEPLATE. These will be close in engagements, using simulated heat seeking missiles only.


The mission starts holding short of runway 32 with the engines on. Colt 11 (MiG-21) will lead the section and depart runway 32, turning northwest towards IP BRAVO (Wheelbarrow Peak, 302/19 off HOMEPLATE TACAN 18x) and drop off Colt 12 (F-5E) to orbit there. Colt 11 (MiG-21) will continue East towards IP Alpha (south of Quartzite Mountain).


When both aircraft are overhead their respective REGENERATE points, the fight will be on.


The REGENERATE points for today’s engagements will be marked with RED SMOKE (IP ALPHA) and BLUE SMOKE (IP BRAVO).




After the three engagements, join up and return to HOMEPLATE in formation.


BINGO fuel is 1300lbs.





1. This is a simulated training mission. As such, your weapons will be set to unlimited to effectively simulate carrying captive AIM-9s. If you destroy the bandit, head to the regenerate point at BRAVO (blue smoke) to spawn the next engagement. THE OPPOSING AIRCRAFT WILL ONLY SPAWN WHEN YOU ARE OVERHEAD IP BRAVO!


2. It is important to join up in formation with the other aircraft immediately after take-off and if/when called upon by your flight lead. This will increase the level of immersion and is important to the scripting of the mission. BE AWARE THAT THE FLIGHT LEAD WILL TAXI ABOUT 40 SECONDS AFTER MISSION START. BE READY TO FOLLOW RIGHT AWAY, AS THE AI IS VERY QUICK AT THE TAXI/TAKEOFF!


3. As you are the #2 in the formation, you will not have to make air traffic control calls. This is simulated with the mission scripting. But also do not just follow blindly, pay attention to your surroundings and be situationally aware.


4. If required, you are cleared to jettison the fuel tank anywhere west of IP BRAVO.


5. Each successive bandit will show higher skill level. Be prepared!




A successful mission will require you to:


1. Survive the 3 engagments.

2. Fly formation within 500ft of your flight lead.

3. Be situationally aware and make sound descisions.

4. Land safely back at HOMEPLATE (at least slow it below 40 kts).




And lastly have fun! If you enjoyed the mission, or found something that can be improved, please let me now through the DCS Forums! Please do not modify the mission or change it in any way.


Hi bcradio,


Just flew your mission and had a lot of fun flying it. Made 100% on the first try.


I will recommend it to my squad mates.


All the best,



  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you very much, swiss! I'm just finishing up a new campaign for the F-5E... hope to upload it tonight.


Hey bcradio,

It was a very nice flight, trying your mission. I definitely appreciate your creativity.

Thanks for sharing !

Thank you very much, swiss! I'm just finishing up a new campaign for the F-5E... hope to upload it tonight.


Looking forward to go back home an try it!


Tks a lot!



  • 2 weeks later...
Hey bcradio,


It was a very nice flight, trying your mission. I definitely appreciate your creativity.


Thanks for sharing !



hope you will make some missions for the Harrier :smilewink:

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi bcradio,


I flew your mission first time today and enjoyed it immensely. I was so busy watching the finale that I ran out of fuel before reaching Groom lake. Whoops! Thank you very much for sharing the mission.

PC specs:



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