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British M109

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I've created a British M109 Paladin as used by the British Royal Artillery in the 60's, 70's and 80's. I've also changed the spec so the paint appears matt rather than the current shiny version. This replaces the US summer skin. At the bottom is the download link to place in you JSGME mod folder.


I have 2 problems however.

1. It breaks the multiplayer integrity check.

2. I don't know how to add it to the UK list of units.


Can anyone help?



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Tangentorf, that extra line of code removes the livery from the USA list but does not make it the default livery for the UK. Is there any way to do this?


SUNTSAG, adding the M109 to the countries database LUA breaks the integrity check. Anyway around this?

Edited by Dave317
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Tangentorf, that extra line of code removes the livery from the USA list but does not make it the default livery for the UK. Is there any way to do this?


SUNTSAG, adding the M109 to the countries database LUA breaks the integrity check. Anyway around this?


AFAIK unfortunately not.


I am happy to be proven wrong, as I have tried with previous BFVG Mods that change the core DCS data to no avail. It is one of the occasions where the saved games folder does not provide any benefit.

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Tangentorf, that extra line of code removes the livery from the USA list but does not make it the default livery for the UK. Is there any way to do this?


Yes, the additional line gives this texture only for UK. The problem is that other textures for the M-109 have no binding to the countries and they will always be in any country. If you do the binding of all textures M-109 to the desired countries, it does not pass the integrity check. Only if ED will do it themselves. The best option without this line...


Да, дополнительная строка даёт данную текстуру только для UK. Проблема в том, что другие текстуры для М-109 не имеют привязки к странам и они всегда будут у любой страны. Если самому делать привязку всех текстур М-109 к нужным странам, то не проходит проверка целостности. Только если ED сделают это сами. Лучший вариант без этой строки...


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