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Stopping helicopters AI engines


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When you ask to an AI helicopter to land somewhere, it lands but keeps its engine running. How can I do to force it to cut the engine off ?


I've tried to load it with minimum fuel needed to join the landing point, from its origin position and it cuts the engine off and I thought that I've found how, but after some minutes, it starts again, sometimes just to take-off and landing just after because the fuel reserve is near empty.

CPU: I7-6700K 4Ghz, GC: nVidia GeForce Titan X Gigabytes, 32 Go DDR4, Motherboard: Gigabytes Z170X-Gaming 3. OS: W10-Family, 3 HD Samsung SSD 850 Pro 1TB + 1 Samsung SSD EVO 500 Gb. Oculus Rift CV1

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afaik, if this is not their final destination, they wont switch off engines.

You can't remove fuel either. If somehow this was their final LAND waypoint you could get the behaviour you need. It might be possible via scripting but I've not tried.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for your answer but I'll try to be more explicit about what happens:


I've put a FARP heliport somewhere. When the mission begins, an AI MI-8 is on approach to this heliport, with just 2% fuel. I've done a landing advanced command at the DP waypoint and I've put the landing little triangle in ME ( landing symbol) on the FARP heliport. In the mission, the MI-8 lands properly on the FARP heliport and shut the engine off. Until here all is right.

But..but...exactly five minutes later the MI-8 starts its engine again, takes-off and lands immediatly after on an other part of the FARP heliport, just near an static Huey and a static fuel truck I've put here. But the stranger is even with no fuel, the engines stays ON after this second landing. I've tried to decrease more the fuel quantity but just with an liter less, the MI-8 does an emergency landing immediatly without reaching the FARP heliport.

What I would wish is that after the first landing and engine off, the AI Mi-8 stays here without starting again.

CPU: I7-6700K 4Ghz, GC: nVidia GeForce Titan X Gigabytes, 32 Go DDR4, Motherboard: Gigabytes Z170X-Gaming 3. OS: W10-Family, 3 HD Samsung SSD 850 Pro 1TB + 1 Samsung SSD EVO 500 Gb. Oculus Rift CV1

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I've done a landing advanced command at the DP waypoint


I think it is because you added an advanced waypoint action, effectively giving the helicopter an additional task to complete before finishing his mission.


Why not just change the DP waypoint to type "Landing" and remove the advanced waypoint action?


edit: Also, if the static Huey you already have on the pad is causing problems with the AI landing on it/crashing, you could replace the static Huey with an AI Huey, pick the parking spot you the Huey on (to "reserve" the spot), set The Huey to takeoff from ramp with no other waypoints and set him to zero fuel. That will keep the parking spot used up on the FARP with a helo that never leaves the spot. - I just set up a quick mission and the behavior seems to work for me. Mi-8 picks one of the empty parking spots on the FARP, lands, shuts off engines and crew leaves. Huey sits on pad and never starts engines (but crew are visible inside)

Edited by prccowboy
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Thanks for helping me. I've already tried as you say, DP point as landing and It's the same, five minutes later the MI-8 starts again.


On the other side, it's a good advice to replace static Huey by an AI huey no controlled. It will prevent the rebellious MI-8 to land just beside it.


Thanks !

CPU: I7-6700K 4Ghz, GC: nVidia GeForce Titan X Gigabytes, 32 Go DDR4, Motherboard: Gigabytes Z170X-Gaming 3. OS: W10-Family, 3 HD Samsung SSD 850 Pro 1TB + 1 Samsung SSD EVO 500 Gb. Oculus Rift CV1

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No that doesn't work. Even if I replace the static Huey by an AI Huey , the rebellious MI-8 does as before and lands near the Huey after restarting.


I join the mission file but Upuaut mod : Cargo + Helipads + external fuel-tank for the UH-1 + Hospital + Seafort + Red Sands + Racegates and Virpil mod: VPC airfield equipment are needed

CAUC-UH-1H- Héliport du lac Transport.miz

CPU: I7-6700K 4Ghz, GC: nVidia GeForce Titan X Gigabytes, 32 Go DDR4, Motherboard: Gigabytes Z170X-Gaming 3. OS: W10-Family, 3 HD Samsung SSD 850 Pro 1TB + 1 Samsung SSD EVO 500 Gb. Oculus Rift CV1

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I couldn't run your example because I don't have the mods you are using, but I created a quick mission that does what I think you are trying to do. I made a FARP with 2 aircraft blocking pads and a few static objects. The inbound Mi8 will land and shut down engines and crew will exit.


Note: I did see the behavior you mentioned if the fuel is too low. Maybe DCS is automatically adding an emergency landing task if fuel state is critical, then after it lands (and refuels), it starts again to complete the mission (which still has a WP landing that wasn't completed) <= just speculation on why. If fuel state is a little bit higher then the Mi8 behaves the way you want.


helo landing test.miz

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Thanks for your mission. I will try it immediatly and I will increase the MI-8 fuel fuel on mine, just to see...

CPU: I7-6700K 4Ghz, GC: nVidia GeForce Titan X Gigabytes, 32 Go DDR4, Motherboard: Gigabytes Z170X-Gaming 3. OS: W10-Family, 3 HD Samsung SSD 850 Pro 1TB + 1 Samsung SSD EVO 500 Gb. Oculus Rift CV1

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Thanks to you, it works. I've found the mistake I've done.


I've forgotten to reduce the speed the speed at 80 Km/h at the DP waypoint set to landing.

I reduced it to 80 Km/h, it works better and the MI-8 doesn't take-off again. Thanks. And before I didn't see the crew disembarking.


But I've seen something a little funny on my mission, I havn't seen on yours:


When the crew disembarks, they're depressed to the chest in the helipad just near the MI-8 and around 120 seconds later, they're disapearring.



Edited by jef32

CPU: I7-6700K 4Ghz, GC: nVidia GeForce Titan X Gigabytes, 32 Go DDR4, Motherboard: Gigabytes Z170X-Gaming 3. OS: W10-Family, 3 HD Samsung SSD 850 Pro 1TB + 1 Samsung SSD EVO 500 Gb. Oculus Rift CV1

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