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2.5.0 - Crashing to the main menu


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Every time I choose this module to fly it, I get a crash to the menu with it. It's random, in any phase (ground, flight, whatever).


Anyone got any idea on what to do?


Tried repair and reinstall, by the way.

"The natural function of the wing is to soar upwards and carry that which is heavy up to the place where dwells the race of gods.

More than any other thing that pertains to the body it partakes of the nature of the divine." — Plato, Phaedrus.

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  • ED Team

Hi BlueAngel


can you attach your dcs.log and let us know your system spec.


we will try to help you


I have a guide in my signature below for logsa




Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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