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[2.5] OB - AP Switches don't change anythink when flying !


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Yesterday I did some tests.... flying with Autopilot (master swich) ON then OFF.


Easy Mode is OFF, trim on rudder is OFF on settings.

Test on 2.5 OB Update 5.

No change on standard analog joystick axis parameters.


It's strickly the same, no difference. When AP OFF, it's very easy to stabilize the Gazelle, as if AP was ON !!!


I tried to set ON/OFF the three switches for AP roll, AP pitch and AP rudder ... with master AP ON then OFF.... No change !!!


I didn't test with the last switch ALT/VIT OFF AP but I think it's the same...



I tried to turn OFF gyro, and then again, no change !!! With AP ON or OFF.



So, AP switches seems not working !

Edited by sunski34
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If you notice no changing, switching the Gyro and the Autopilot Off, it means you definitely have Something wrong on your side.


Autopilot off, means no more trimming system, coordinated turn, auto-hover, speed/alt modes, slaved mode.

GYRO off, means no coordinated turn, auto-hover, speed/alt modes, slaved mode.


Only trimming system can be used without gyro, but needs Autopilot.

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No, I mean that joystick sensibility and gazelle reaction are the same with or without AP.


For example to do an hover (manually), I have the same feeling, Gazelle seems to be with AP ON.


If it's not the case, I thought doing an hover with AP OFF was harder than with AP ON. In 1.5 that was the case I'm sure !


Of course, I know that auto hover needs Gyro ON. I will test flying without Gyro to see.


The test was done in MP not SP.... I will test in SP.

Edited by sunski34
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I did new tests.... in that case SP only


Gyro off, yes there's a difference when flying, it's more difficult to do a manual hover.


But Gyro On, when flying with AP (ON then OFF), I didn't notice a real change sorry :cry: in that particular manoeuver.


So in that case, does AP help on manual hover or not?

Edited by sunski34
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When the Gyro is activ the AP is also engaged in the background and helps your helicopter to be more stable. Gyro on and AP on means you can really use the Autopilot functions like alt hold or heading hold. Gyro uses the AP channel to actually make use of the SAS system in the end and makes your helicopter more stable. I hope I explained it correct

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Ok, so I understand


when Gyro ON and AP OFF, there's still an help to be more stable. When AP ON (and associated switches) that helps only for heading hold and alt/speed hold. Correct?


If Gyro off, no AP in any case (switches AP ON or OFF) even in background, so no more help on stability. Correct?

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