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strange problem with cockpit instruments


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I have always had this problem regardless of the version of DCS in the cockpit view at medium distance and far away is like I had not set anti-aliasing instead if we zoom in closely the tools you see perfect

Why? I have to set all to max. this problem is only with F-5 Tiger



cpu:I7-6700k Z170 16GB Ram DDR4 Gtx 1080 8Gb DDR5 11GBs SSD 500 Gb 2 HDD 1Tb Evga supernova G2 850w Case Bequiet series 800 Silent base Win 10 pro 64 bit


My wishlist: F-35/B-17G/F4U Corsair/Yak-3/P-40B Tomahawk

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I had the same problem when 1.5.8 was relesed, i hope it will be fixed soon, for now try to add anti-aliasing not only in-game but using your nvidia software (if you have a nvidia GPU).


With this temporary solution it works fine but there is a little loss of FPS.


Edit: This is my thread started when 1.5.8 cames out: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=198558

Edited by Mig Fulcrum
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Ok thank I hope they will fix

cpu:I7-6700k Z170 16GB Ram DDR4 Gtx 1080 8Gb DDR5 11GBs SSD 500 Gb 2 HDD 1Tb Evga supernova G2 850w Case Bequiet series 800 Silent base Win 10 pro 64 bit


My wishlist: F-35/B-17G/F4U Corsair/Yak-3/P-40B Tomahawk

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Thank Lostcat, now work fine..... hope in a official release

cpu:I7-6700k Z170 16GB Ram DDR4 Gtx 1080 8Gb DDR5 11GBs SSD 500 Gb 2 HDD 1Tb Evga supernova G2 850w Case Bequiet series 800 Silent base Win 10 pro 64 bit


My wishlist: F-35/B-17G/F4U Corsair/Yak-3/P-40B Tomahawk

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