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Rocket Pods Shown on Stores But Bomb Loaded On Station

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Posted (edited)

In the latest 2.5.1 beta, I armed my inner pylons with rockets on LHA-1, but I have bombs on the stations. The stores page shows bombs. Trying to use the rockets gives me an error. I also armed with GBU-12s which worked, and Mk-20s which also worked.





Edited by WOPR
You cannot mix more than two A-G weapon. If you do so, one (or if you loaded more than 3) or the others will not be shown correctly.


I thought might be part of the problem, but the ordinance doesn't appear to be correct to me. I'll admit I don't have a lot of experience with the pods though.


Withdrawn! I didn't realize rocket pods had covers that had to be popped. The dark spot on the tip of the pod cover looks a bit like a lens.

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