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Oculus Touch: hands not visible


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I use the Oculus rift in combination with Oculus Touch. In the stable release version, I'm able to see my virtual hands in the cockpit when I use the Touch controllers. I'm also able to flip switches etc. Everything works fine.




In the open beta, I can only see and use my hands in the menus. As soon as I load a mission and I am in a cockpit (either A-10C or F-18 ) I can no longer see my virtual hands. When I press the trigger I can at least see the cursor/crosshair, but I can not use it to operate switches.

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to solve this issue, click on the VR preset under graphic options and redo the settings. that brings the hands back.

thank you , sir :thumbup:

i5 8400 | 32 Gb RAM | RTX 2080Ti | Virpil Mongoose T-50 base w/ Warthog & Hornet sticks | Warthog throttle | Cougar throttle USB | VKB T-Rudder Mk IV | Oculus Rift S | Buddy-Fox A-10 UFC | 3x TM MFDs | Buttkicker | SIMple SIMpit chair | WinWing TakeOff panel | Andre JetSeat | Winwing Hornet UFC | Winwing Viper ICP

FC3 - Warthog - F-5E - Harrier - NTTR - Hornet - Tomcat - Huey - Viper - C-101 - PG - Hip - SuperCarrier - Syria - Warthog II - Hind - South Atlantic - Sinai - Strike Eagle - Phantom

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  • 4 weeks later...

Now that 2.5.2 went live I had the same issue again, found that the root cause seems to be setting the water to "Low", changing it back to "Medium" restores the virtual hands (after clicking on the VR preset). If ED is reading this, please take a look.

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