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[Graphics]Altitude related dynamic/adaptive render distance(factor)


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The current visibility setting is very simple.With fixed distance values and factors.


If user set up for higher altitude ( for VR or 4K screen). When it close to the ground. GPU can not handle too much high level lods kicks in. Which casue FPS shuttering.


However if user adjust their settings at lower altitude for fine FrameRate it (also looks fine at atl since the view angle is shallow). If they fly @higher altitude, the terrain graphic looks bald and lack of details. The render engine cutoff all low level lods equally at certain distance. And in such condition,the GPU is almost idle and not very efficient.


I wonder that can ED add a distance factor control by camera elevation/altitude, dynamic adjust speed tree, Terrain LevelFormap and LOD render distance. So the player can see more&further low level lod at higher altitude. And still able to get good FPS at ground or close air altitude.

Edited by Insonia
try to fix my brain logic
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Every game ever made has fixed values for max visiblity range ;) Most modern engines don't render stuff that isn't visible.




For example, you've got a carrier with 1,000,000+ polys (the current Tarawa is 800,000+)... That's a lot! However, it only renders the ones you can currently see. Say, you're on the flight deck in this example, you see the deck and the side of the conn tower facing you. Your GPU is not rendering the engines, the belly, the hangar inside, or the other side of the conn tower you can't see.



Some older games may still have the "all or nothing" approach, but anything new shouldn't be rendering like that. If you're flying down a valley, your GPU shouldn't be rendering things on either side of it. In theory, somebody more knowledgeable about the engine would be able to clarify whether DCS does that or not.

Де вороги, знайдуться козаки їх перемогти.

5800x3d * 3090 * 64gb * Reverb G2

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Thanks for the reply zhukov.

Sorry for my english term that may cause misleading. I will try rearrange this.


Most game use different level of texture format. midmap. and LODs.

There is a factor/array of value controls that in what distance draw what level of models. ( like in DCS they have graphic.cfg.lua low/mid/high.lua in view folder)


In the range not every thing is max detailed. Only in certain distance the high res LODs and texture will kick in.

And The GPU was able to handle more low level LODs and low res textures.

However as i said the current visibility setting is very simple. If i set range to mid or low something. THe engine will CUTOFF rendering all low level LODs at certain distance even at higher alt. WHich GPU was able to handle much more low level structures. But in this case GPU has no work to do.


If it set to above high. everything include detailed LODs was mutiplied by that original factor. It looks fine at higher atl but may cause FPS issue at lower attidude or ground (too much high level LOD ground models+low level lods).


There is always a way optimize those different level of LODs and textures.

Edited by Insonia
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