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OT: VirtualDub

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Is there any simple software out there than can join 2 videos together. I know I have asked this question before and someone suggested VirtualDub, which is really cool. Fast and easy to use but it can’t join some videos, ex: it can’t join MPEG-4 codec videos or it requires a Video for Windows (VFW) compatible codec to decompress video. DirectShow codecs, such as those used by Windows Media Player, are not suitable. I’m trying to join the YF-23 documentary that was split into 5 files into 1.


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if u get the codecs from microsoft V1,2,3 virutaltub will recognize it.



oh, glad this topic came up. I gave up on virtualdub a while ago but this could bring it back. Could you tell me where to get these codecs from microsoftv1,2,3? never heard of it.

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Right click on the .inf file and select "install" to start the installation. If the installer detects a newer version of the file and ask you whether to keep it or not, make sure you keep the newer version.


yea i already had a newer version, but virtualdub still couldn't import the YF-23 video, any ideas?


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