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More Su25T issues!

Johnny Dioxin

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I think this module badly needs looking at before the MAC release this year, because if new players will use this to decide whether to buy, I don't think they will.


Two new (for me) bugs reared their heads today - again on the training missions.


Firstly, the view from inside the cockpit is ridiculously dark - even with the gamma shoved to 2.2. You can barely see a thing outside - yet if you put your head through the canopy, everything is much better. This is important, because you have no idea where to look for the targets unless you stick your head through the canopy.


View from pilot's seat:




View zoomed-in from pilot's seat:




View with head outside the canopy:




Secondly, the LLTV is not coming on, despite the HUD indication showing that it is on. The picture in the IT-23 remains dark - very dark! It's impossible to recognise anything unless using x23 magnification - and when you use that, it's very hard to find a general area (in this case the general area of the targets - i.e. the disused airfield). You can see this in the top screenshot.


As I was flying, occasionally the Mercury would flicker on for a second, but nowhere near long enough to even recognise what's in the picture.


Coupled with the other issues I've posted about here, this module is looking very second-hand.


Let's face it - the first thing "cadets" are likely to do after installing DCS World is the training missions (after they had the obligatory 'play' and find they can do almost nothing without learning it). I'm sure ED don't want this to be the kind of first impression these cadets experience.


I think people haven't been mentioning these problems a lot more is because, well, who does the Su-25T training missions after they bought a module?


These issues are present in the current release version,


I can't use tracks to show them, of course, as they are training missions.

Edited by Brixmis

Rig: Asus B650-GAMING PLUS; Ryzen 7800X3D ; 64GB DDR5 5600; RTX 4080; VPC T50 CM2 HOTAS; SN-1 Pedals; VR = Pico 4 over VD Wireless & Valve Index; Point Control v2

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Wow,that is very dark! (Vikr+Mercury training mission)


It used to be that only the internal gun training was so dark, I notice now it's more pre-dawn. The Vikhr mission used to be a brighter night (with a full moon iirc) but now it's darker than dark! Although I could get an image on the Mercury by adjusting its point of aim, it didn't show up the tanks clearly at longer ranges.(I actually was able to locate them by using labels)


My video settings are on the lower end of details.


Eta: “pre”-dawn

Edited by VZ_342
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Okay - just flown the Ka-50 "Courier" mission and the Su-25T Vikhr and LLTV tutorial mission in 1.5.8


The difference is like night and day. Literally, as far as the Su-25T mission is concerned. Both these missions look and fly better in 1.5.8 than in 2.5.2 due to the gamma in the latter.


The red/pink mist is there - but it's a very light haze and you have to look for it to notice it. It doesn't detract from the experience at all. In the Courier mission - which starts just before dawn - I was undecided whether the haze was there or not for some time. There was a pinkish tinge to the cockpit - but it didn't seem much different from the standard NVG lights (the ones you set the cockpit to when using NVG - which aren't available in this mission).


In the Su-25T might mission it is more noticable - but still doesn't affect it negatively at all. In 2.5.2 it's awful.


So there ya go. Unfortunately, I doubt if ED can or will do anything to improve this. One more reason to keep two versions of DCS World on ya pooter. It's especially unfortunate because a lot of the missions in the Dixmude campaign for the Gazelle are night ops.


PS - just to say these were all flown with no mods installed.

Edited by Brixmis

Rig: Asus B650-GAMING PLUS; Ryzen 7800X3D ; 64GB DDR5 5600; RTX 4080; VPC T50 CM2 HOTAS; SN-1 Pedals; VR = Pico 4 over VD Wireless & Valve Index; Point Control v2

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Unrelated to these specific issues, but I've noticed on respawn, it appears to be breaking the NAV HUD mode. RTB and landing modes work but the route mode does not even come up.




Appears that dumbfire weapons (rockets and guns, possibly dumb bombs, too but that's a bit harder to check on the fly) are consistently undershooting the reticle, too, whereas they didn't used to. I have to aim a little below in order to get hits, since making this adjustment I have gone from overshooting EVERY time, to hitting EVERY time. More than a little suspicious. -edit again, that may have been largely because of attacking targets on a slope, not sure though. Still testing.

Edited by zhukov032186

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5800x3d * 3090 * 64gb * Reverb G2

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I did the dumb weapons tute and didn't have an issue with that particuler thing - but I'll try the respawn and see if I have the same issue.


In another thread I reported issues with some weapons - the Kh-29 mission, for example, where the target lock is affected due to the time of day and target contrast and some other problems where weapons are not launching in the tutorial, but are in editor made missions.

Rig: Asus B650-GAMING PLUS; Ryzen 7800X3D ; 64GB DDR5 5600; RTX 4080; VPC T50 CM2 HOTAS; SN-1 Pedals; VR = Pico 4 over VD Wireless & Valve Index; Point Control v2

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Unfortunately, I'm not sure how the respawn works - I did try, but nothing happened. I've never used it before (only online to change airframe).


Do I have to crash and choose it?


As far as the rockets goes - I just flew the guns and rockets practice single mission and had no problems (track attached). Yes, if you fire when the LA first appears, the rockets usually fall short - but iirc this has always been the case. You have to wait a few seconds so that the target is well within the maximum range mark and then launch and you will hit the targets.


In the attached track (which wasn't flown tactically, btw - just for testing this) on the second run I fire a pair of rockets at max range and they fall short - I then wait a few more seconds and fire off a salvo and they all land in the target area.


One other bug - maybe it's just a limitation due to the scripted actions of targets under fire and this particular target location - is that most of the targets drive into the lake after they are attacked.









This is an old mission - I remember flying it years ago, so maybe it simply needs updating in the ME, but as it is one that comes with the sim, I think it's not ideal to expect users to do that.



*Can't upload the track file - it's being rejected. It's 10MB and forum max is 5MB. Nuff said. Even archived (7z - not permitted but just to test) it's 9MB, so...

Edited by Brixmis

Rig: Asus B650-GAMING PLUS; Ryzen 7800X3D ; 64GB DDR5 5600; RTX 4080; VPC T50 CM2 HOTAS; SN-1 Pedals; VR = Pico 4 over VD Wireless & Valve Index; Point Control v2

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Ok, I'll take your word for it. I'm really rusty from being down for almost a full year, and consistent practice I'm getting better. It may been the circumstances I was attacking under etc. I remember the bit about TV guided weapons having issues in LL conditions, which is reasonable for a optical weapon.



For the respawn deal, I don't know about just respawning. The instances I'm referring to were after crashing and respawning into the aircraft, the NAV route mode (МРШ on the Russia HUD) was unavailable. I didn't think to check if it did it on a "voluntary" respawn :P

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5800x3d * 3090 * 64gb * Reverb G2

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Okay - I'll have a go tomorrow - I'll eject and let it crash, should get a chance to respawn then, I think.


PS - uploaded that track to my Google Drive



Edited by Brixmis

Rig: Asus B650-GAMING PLUS; Ryzen 7800X3D ; 64GB DDR5 5600; RTX 4080; VPC T50 CM2 HOTAS; SN-1 Pedals; VR = Pico 4 over VD Wireless & Valve Index; Point Control v2

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I'm very sorry to report that it's working fine for me.


I flew the entire route of the guns & rockets practice single mission (without bothering with the combat part) and then ejected. As I was floating under the silk, I selected RCtrl-RShift-Tab and respawned in a new Su-25T on the runway, with my HUD in ENR mode and the correct info.


Took off past WP1 - which is on the runway - and it correctly switched to WP2 as the wreckage of my old plane fell around me, which was pretty funny.


So it's definitely working okay for me. Maybe you need to do a repair of DCS World?

Rig: Asus B650-GAMING PLUS; Ryzen 7800X3D ; 64GB DDR5 5600; RTX 4080; VPC T50 CM2 HOTAS; SN-1 Pedals; VR = Pico 4 over VD Wireless & Valve Index; Point Control v2

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the weapon stuff was crosswinds, ruddering, etc. It's behaving as ecpected now that I'm getting used to it.


I don't know about the waypoints, I haven't noticed it lately. Maybe was just a corrupted mission or something.

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5800x3d * 3090 * 64gb * Reverb G2

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