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TF Challenger Final Mission, Help Needed

Exile 6-1

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The final Task Force Challenger mission is kicking my butt. I can't seem to get it right. When I arrive at WP3 there is a ton of work to do, SAMs, AAA and 4 -29s. I'm ladened with bombs and not very nimble.



I get the best results by flying towards my ground targets at about 500 kphs, 100 ft altitude with my radar on silent. I make sure the SEAD strikes arrive before I do. About 9 miles out I order my wingman to attack ground targets, 8 miles out I turn my radar back on and do a steep climb (they are going to see me anyway no reason to be quite now). This gives me enough time to line up the Hinds and Hangers. I complete my bomb run, switch to AA mode and try to kill the Migs. The bomb run takes less then 20 seconds and I dump a ton of DDS. I dont think the air defenses have time to get a good shot at me.




Typically I can hit 2-3 ground targets, Wingman can't hit enough to complete the mission. I drop all 4 bombs on the one run so I am more nimble for the MiGs. My mission objectives are the ground targets not the Fulcrums so I think the bomb run is my priority, if i get enough hits we can run home. However as I climb the Migs are right in front of me about 10 miles out. I'd love to engage them, but I have those heavy bombs slowing me down.




The 4 Migs end up killing me almost every time.



Flying in high just gets me killed by SAMs, I can't get the MiGs to leave the target area.



What should I be doing?

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  • 1 year later...

The only strategy that has worked for me so far is running in low all the way, doing a pop-up at the last minute to drop just above the frag height, then a hard turn to the south and run like hell. Let the BARCAP and fleet deal with the MiGs chasing you.


If you try to engage the MiGs before the drop you're outnumbered and have a massive maneuverability and speed disadvantage, if you try to engage them after the drop you're still outnumbered and starting at a massive positional disadvantage. Since defeating them isn't part of the mission, it's best to just not tangle with them.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 6 months later...

Eight JSAWs or JDAMs fired in ripple from max range and there shouldn't be any hardly any helicopters left, you just got to beat feet back to the carrier. Wingman never seems to make it though, even if you load him with JSAWs as well. I think maybe load up the wingman for CAP, and you take the AG weapons. Otherwise, you only have 2 sidewinders and an ARAAM so you can only reasonably fight off the first pair of MiGs. Problem for me is that the carrier doesn't have the ILS turned on, which wouldn't be a problem for a decent naval pilot, but that's not me.

Edited by Pyrocumulous

Pimax Crystal, Asus ProArt X670E-Creator, Ryzen 7950X3D, 64gb DDR5, RTX 4090 FE, Magic Trackpad 3, Warthog HOTAS, Warthog Throttle and TPR pedals.

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  • 2 months later...

took me quite a few tries. I completed by ordering the wingman to bomb the runway and I did the MiG CAP. We both turned on AB and led the MIGs out to the Tomcats. That wing man followed me on final back to the Stennis =).

I7-10700F | RTX4070 FE | 32G RAM | Quest 2/3 | TM T16000 HOTAS & Throttle | F/A-18C | F-14A/B | F-15C | A-10 II | F-4E

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I kind of figured out how to complete.  With the default load out,  Took off and immediately headed for the target at 100ft, didn't even wait for wingman,  as fast as I could get without afterburner.  Don't mid-air with the tomahawks.  Set up to toss bomb, and radar off.   20 miles out, gave wingman "Attack and Rejoin"  command.  Ran in at 200ft made the drop and got back bellow 200ft and headed back out over water.  Got engaged a Mig,  Got stupid lucky, they were strung out enough, I downed first two with Sparrows,  the third took two sidewinders to kill,  and ended gun gunning the last Mig.  Made it back to the boat with 400lbs.  And then realized all the bombs missed😂

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  • 1 month later...

This one is definitely a toughie, I was determined to complete the campaign and gave up on the default loadout lol. I loaded up with AMRAAMs and 4x JDAM, followed the SEAD wing in and engaged the first pair of MIG-29s, 2nd pair is usually close behind and was able to deal with them as well, though separately from the first pair, then it's onto the base and completing the objectives with no MIGs to worry about. If left unsupported, the SEAD wing is easy prey for the red CAP and then you'll have their undivided attention. For some reason ILS is disabled on the carrier for this mission which makes the landing a little harder. If you're not comfortable making a fully visual CASE I landing, practice with the standalone carrier landing missions until you feel confident you can nail it. 

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