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JSOW double rack


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Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? I have station 2 and 8 selected in quantity. I am in PP mode. I select PP1 and enter coordinates, then I hit step to put in 2nd set of coordinates. When I click on PP2 it has the same coordinates as the first 2 on station 2 and 8. I am so confused. I have watched tutorials by RedKite but he goes so fast I can't really see what he's doing.

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Station 2 is crossed out because the PP coordinates appear to not have the elevation set.

Apart from that, the current implementation in DCS has each station having its own set of PP targets and they are shared between the two JSOWs on the double rack.

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Each JSOW Hit same target but had separate coordinates too. Also the elevation situation shows 0 altitude on F10 map

I actually remembered that that the system cannot validate a PP target with an elevation of 0. It's a bug. I had to dig around a bit, but I found this thread: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=243513&highlight=PP+elevation


In any event, if your PP is crossed out, it's not valid. The workaround is to use an elevation of 1 ft MSL. This should work just as well.


Also, keep in mind that the different PPs are referring to the rack and not the individual bombs. So, assuming you have one station (STA 2) with a dual rack carrying JSOWs, you have to launch the first JSOW at PP1 then select PP2 and then launch the second JSOW. If you have two stations, launch in the sequence: STA2 PP1, STA 8 PP1, STA 2 PP2, STA 2 PP2 and remember that you have to manually select the PP2 for every station separately.


Finally, in order to avoid making small mistakes here and there and avoid encountering a bug that the elevation of one PP might copy to another, always fully configure each PP (Lat, Long, Elev) before moving to the next one.

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F/A-18C, F-15E, AV-8B, F-16C, JF-17, A-10C/CII, M-2000C, F-14, AH-64D, BS2, UH-1H, P-51D, Sptifire, FC3
i9-13900K, 64GB @6400MHz RAM, 4090 Strix OC, Samsung 990 Pro

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Ok thank you. I hope this will work. I don’t know how much longer I can try. Any thoughts on why 2 would attack the same exact target but have coordinates for 2 separate targets?

You're saying that you launched the first JSOW from STA 2 to PP1 (PP1 being boxed), the second JSOW from STA 2 to PP2 (PP2 being boxed), PP1 and PP2 having different coordinates and both JSOWs headed to the same spot? I don't have that problem, but I also haven't used GPS weapons with PP targets in a while.


If so, did they both go to PP1 or PP2? Also, if you can upload a video or a track, it'll be easier to see exactly what you're doing.

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F/A-18C, F-15E, AV-8B, F-16C, JF-17, A-10C/CII, M-2000C, F-14, AH-64D, BS2, UH-1H, P-51D, Sptifire, FC3
i9-13900K, 64GB @6400MHz RAM, 4090 Strix OC, Samsung 990 Pro

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You might find this thread useful, if you're still having issues: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=258579

The vCVW-17 is looking for Hornet and Tomcat pilots and RIOs. Join the vCVW-17 Discord.


F/A-18C, F-15E, AV-8B, F-16C, JF-17, A-10C/CII, M-2000C, F-14, AH-64D, BS2, UH-1H, P-51D, Sptifire, FC3
i9-13900K, 64GB @6400MHz RAM, 4090 Strix OC, Samsung 990 Pro

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No option for attachment in private message. Here is the track file though

I watched the track. Your mistake is that you don't manually select the PP for each weapon release. You can't do a ripple release like that. What you are doing is that you're firing at PP1 only from the first station and at PP2 only from the second. PPs don't automatically step after a weapon release.


The procedure is:


Program PP1

Program PP2

Select PP1


STEP station


Program PP1

Program PP2

Select PP1


FIRE 1 at PP1


(auto-STEP station)


FIRE 1 at PP1


(auto-STEP station)


Select PP2

FIRE 1 at PP2


(auto-STEP station)


Select PP2

FIRE 1 at PP2



I took control of the jet in your track 2 minutes before weapons launch and did the above procedure and all four JSOWs went for different targets.

The vCVW-17 is looking for Hornet and Tomcat pilots and RIOs. Join the vCVW-17 Discord.


F/A-18C, F-15E, AV-8B, F-16C, JF-17, A-10C/CII, M-2000C, F-14, AH-64D, BS2, UH-1H, P-51D, Sptifire, FC3
i9-13900K, 64GB @6400MHz RAM, 4090 Strix OC, Samsung 990 Pro

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