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Non contextual menu for Jester.


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To access Jester command faster, I would like a key to open a non contextual menu from which I can remember what key sequence to type to get to what i want.


For example, when I bvr, menu - 2 - 2 will lock the target but when i get to wvr, it will switch to the menu to 'drop tanks' (whether i have tanks or not btw)


Is there a way to make menus more predictible so I can type the command super fast without wondering what mode Jester dexide to be?


In the heat(blur) of the battle, it can be frustrating to have Jester change context on you.


Or.. Is there a way to map Jester individual commands on specific controls?




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Changing the menu is no small task, which likely won't happen. However we will add keybinds for the most important (or most) commands in the menu, so you can map them directly, etc. This will be done towards the end of EA.

Heatblur Simulations


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Changing the menu is no small task, which likely won't happen. However we will add keybinds for the most important (or most) commands in the menu, so you can map them directly, etc. This will be done towards the end of EA.


Thanks for the quick answer.

Individual keybinds would be super nice.

What's EA? :)


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