TrueGritLead Posted March 28, 2020 Posted March 28, 2020 Hi everyone! I am VERY grateful and happy about your extremely positive reception of the news and the warm welcome! Thank you very much for that! I know that we started a very ambitious endeavor. But: no guts, no glory! We will fight for this to happen and I believe that we have the best odds and requirements one can wish for. Our Team is comprised of absolute professionals with loads of experience and we have also secured an exclusive copyright license contract with “Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH”. This firepower should get us far. Just how far, we will all see together. On that note: in such a short time we have already received many offers from you guys to support us with data sources or help us as coders and 3D designers. Please keep that up and continue to contact our community manager “Dash@TrueGrit” with your questions, suggestions or even applications like you already have. This whole project is very much a team effort. The Eurofighter Typhoon community in real life is very strong and I can already see from your positive replies, that this is the case for DCS as well. In these troubled times that the whole world is in right now, I wish everybody in this forum, your families and friends, courage and stamina (in other words True Grit!) to get through this healthy and well! That is the main priority right now! If our press release yesterday lifted your spirits for a moment, we at TrueGrit are already happy. 1 _______________________________ Gero Finke Founder TrueGrit Virtual Technologies [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
Manuel_108 Posted March 28, 2020 Posted March 28, 2020 Thank you Sir! All the best to you and your team as well. Looking forward to reading more about this exciting project down the road.
Miasma Posted March 29, 2020 Posted March 29, 2020 Thank you so much to you and your team look forward to the module! Royal Navy Tomcat skin now live:
Cupra Posted March 29, 2020 Posted March 29, 2020 Thanks for going public Gero :) Hope you enjoy the stay in here. Can be annoying some times because the guys want to have everything from now.. and never stop asking "are we still there" like 5 year old kiddies :D But I look forward to a great product at the end :) Hope to see you again in autumn and if you need help just let me know ;) Can´t coding, but I like to things like no other would even think about it :lol: :music_whistling: DCS F-16C Blk. 40/42 :helpsmilie: Candidate - 480th VFS - Cupra | 06
dave76 Posted March 29, 2020 Posted March 29, 2020 thank you gero, wish you all the best from italy :)
seagull1606688860 Posted March 29, 2020 Posted March 29, 2020 Thanks Sir, I sincerely hope your project will succed, it's a game changer for DCS.
Deadlift Posted March 29, 2020 Posted March 29, 2020 You seem to have an amazing team, and I couldn't think of someone more suited to bring this to DCS than yourself! I am so very much looking forward to this! Glück Ab, Kamerad. ;)
markbakovic Posted April 6, 2020 Posted April 6, 2020 (edited) No no, Gero, thank *you*. As someone who "flew" DID's EF2000 from release until well into the late 2000s and actually was a fanboy long before that^ (a highschool friend stayed with one of the EADS engineers for a few weeks in the 90s and got to see some highly classified* nosewheel retraction up close, so much froth... much jealous...) I can honestly say your announcement made the pretty ordinary time we're going through right now suddenly much, *much* more tolerable. There is still beauty in the world! (and it has all-flying canards with significant anhedral... und diese pornoese antriebschub ohne nachbrenner... und...) *ahem* Thank you. ^yes like before the EFA flew. * no of course it wasn't really classified. Edited April 6, 2020 by markbakovic such line break
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