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Not sure if F-16/TGP/HUD/CBU bug?

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I've been playing about with the F-16 and dropping CBU's in CCRP mode, and using the TGP to get my drop point, but I've noticed that where the HUD shows the TGP is pointing, and what I can see on the TGP don't line up, they're off by several hundred meters, and this is effecting where the bomb fall line is.


I'm having no issues with using the TGP to do laser guided bombing.


Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this, or if it's a known issue.

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There's a bug in the F-16 right now that causes the waypoint position in the HUD to be displaced vertically based on the QNH.



REAPER 51 | Tholozor
VFA-136 (c.2007): https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3305981/
Arleigh Burke Destroyer Pack (2020): https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3313752/

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