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I also thought that the first time i had searched , but if the context is missile launch rails or ejectors, an APU does not fit in the category.


Look at the table, they are talking about maximum G´s, 0-5 G´s with BCY. I dont think the Su-27 loads APU in the wings. XDDD.

" You must think in russian.."



Windows 7 Home Premium-Intel 2500K OC 4.6-SSD Samsung EVO 860- MSI GTX 1080 - 16G RAM - 1920x1080 27´


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  • 2 weeks later...

New one.


What´s the difference between ACY and HACY?


ACY= Антенное Согласующее Устройство ( Antena matching device )


HACY=Наземная автоМатическая Система Управления ( Automatic control system land based ).


And only for my own knowledge if someone could extend about this:


КН – режим, когда команды управления формируются и передаются с ПН АСУ.

БН – режим, когда команда управления формируются в СУВ по регулярной координатной информации о цели с ПН АСУ.

БП – режим, когда команды управления формируются в СУВ по разовой (нерегулярной) координатной информации о цели с ПН АСУ.


I imagine that are " Remote Control " " Onboard Guide " and " Onboard Search " but ПН АСУ is something that can´t understand 100% correctly.


Thanks in advance...

" You must think in russian.."



Windows 7 Home Premium-Intel 2500K OC 4.6-SSD Samsung EVO 860- MSI GTX 1080 - 16G RAM - 1920x1080 27´


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АСУ can be Автоматизированная Система Управления = Automatic Control System.

ПН maybe Пункт Наведения=Guidance Station.

With these abbreviations the next are easy:

КН - mode with control commands forming and transmitting from ПН АСУ (Fully automated ground-controlled intercept)

БН - mode with control commands forming in СУВ (weapon control system) based on regular target's coordinate information from ПН АСУ (see the difference? This time it's onboard system forming control commands, not ground station. This WCS got regularly updated information on the target's current coordinates)

БП - mode with control commands forming in СУВ (weapon control system) based on non-regular (single) target's coordinate information from ПН АСУ. (It's similar to previous mode, the only difference is that information about target's position is not updated)

WBR, =FV=BlackDragon.


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With this kind of answers is very easy to understand. Thanks a lot.


One strange thing is that in the manual sometimes are writed HACY and others ACY, but if is the same ( the only difference is Наземная-Ground based ) why they dont use always the same acronymus?



And last question:


In several places in the manual they are mentioned this " вертикаль " like in this sentence " набор высоты выполнять в соответствии с программами полета на перехват. Высоту атаки цели выбирать самостоятельно, после высвечивания на ИЛС индекса В (вертикаль), используя информацию о высоте цели. "


Or in this paragraph " − набор высоты на числах М = 0,9; 1,3; 1,8; 2,0 позиция д-е; а-б; в-г; 5-6 и полет до команды ВЕРТИКАЛЬ (набор высоты на М = 0,9 выполнять на режиме МАКСИМАЛ)"


I am quite sure that is totally different from the " Vertical CAC mode ". If someone could tell me what is this " команды ВЕРТИКАЛЬ " i would be very pleased.

" You must think in russian.."



Windows 7 Home Premium-Intel 2500K OC 4.6-SSD Samsung EVO 860- MSI GTX 1080 - 16G RAM - 1920x1080 27´


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What is the meaning of " Перенацеливающая " in this sentence?


" При облучении облака дипольных отражателей или земли формируется перенацеливающая помеха, создающая ложные по направлению пели."

" You must think in russian.."



Windows 7 Home Premium-Intel 2500K OC 4.6-SSD Samsung EVO 860- MSI GTX 1080 - 16G RAM - 1920x1080 27´


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"Перенацеливающая помеха" = "Aim redirection jam"

НАСУ/АСУ - IIRC, MiG-29 can be directed by ground GCI or AWACS either. So, one of these is "НАСУ" - guess which ;)

"Команда "ВЕРТИКАЛЬ"" - ""VERTICAL" command" - a signal given by automated GCI which means (again IIRC) that the target is somewhere on the vertical line in front of you - so you are close to target and the only maneuver left is height adjustment.

You want the best? Here i am...

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Your kind support is invaluable. ¡¡¡¡


Thanks a lot mates...

" You must think in russian.."



Windows 7 Home Premium-Intel 2500K OC 4.6-SSD Samsung EVO 860- MSI GTX 1080 - 16G RAM - 1920x1080 27´


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  • 1 month later...

Another one.


what is the meaning of снимается in this phrase ?


" Если в этом случае ракета не пущена, то на дальностях менее 3500 м с ИЛС снимается индикация директорного кольца, ракурса цели, заданной высоты и скорости, символа Ф и индекса сектора газа. "

" You must think in russian.."



Windows 7 Home Premium-Intel 2500K OC 4.6-SSD Samsung EVO 860- MSI GTX 1080 - 16G RAM - 1920x1080 27´


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You are really fast....¡¡¡


Thanks a lot.


Only disspaears the director ring or also the other indications about target aspect angle, assigned height and speed, symbol Ф, and indications about throttle control?

" You must think in russian.."



Windows 7 Home Premium-Intel 2500K OC 4.6-SSD Samsung EVO 860- MSI GTX 1080 - 16G RAM - 1920x1080 27´


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  • 5 months later...

Here we go again.


" ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ. Выход на высоту полета цели запрещается. "


Something like : WARNING: Fly along the target´s height is forbidden.


This sentence is from the air to air attack section of the manual. Resuming, the manual said that when you are attacking an aerial target with SARH missiles you must keep a exceed of 500 meters with your target´s height when you are flying below 8000 meters, or 1000 meters, above 8000 meters.


And then, this final sentence " " ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ. Выход на высоту полета цели запрещается. "


This means that the manual forbidde you to fly at the same height of your target when attacking with SARH missiles?


Thanks for your replies.

" You must think in russian.."



Windows 7 Home Premium-Intel 2500K OC 4.6-SSD Samsung EVO 860- MSI GTX 1080 - 16G RAM - 1920x1080 27´


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Thanks Dragony ¡¡¡


I cant imagine why is forbidden to fly at the same height than your enemy in a SARH enviroment. ¡¡ Russian way ¡¡

" You must think in russian.."



Windows 7 Home Premium-Intel 2500K OC 4.6-SSD Samsung EVO 860- MSI GTX 1080 - 16G RAM - 1920x1080 27´


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  • 1 month later...

Another one, quite difficult to me.


" Если при несошедшей ракете с АКУ остался открытым замок, то желтый бленкер наличия этой ракеты будет мигать все время (ракета зависла). "


Thanks in advance

" You must think in russian.."



Windows 7 Home Premium-Intel 2500K OC 4.6-SSD Samsung EVO 860- MSI GTX 1080 - 16G RAM - 1920x1080 27´


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Yellow-light blinker [load on pylon lamp] start to blink in non-stop mode if a missile doesn’t clear ejector rack [АКУ – авиационное катапультное устройство, literally ‘Aircraft Catapult Device’] and, in the same time, ACD lock still open (missile hangs).


Check paragraph 5.13.3.

WARNING! Landing with hanging missile on board is FORBIDDEN!

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This sentence describes situation, when rocket doesn't started from catapult device (АКУ). Rocket fixed on АКУ with lock. So, when rocket doesn't started from АКУ and it's (АКУ's) lock left open, yellow ammunition blinker (on weapons status panel) will blink all the time.

WBR, =FV=BlackDragon.


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Thanks to both of you.


But how can a missile would remain in his pylon if " the ACD lock still open " ?


If i understand well a missile is locked in his pylon ( AKY or АПУ ) until the pilot fires one. In this moment the pylon lock opens and the missile is fired out.


If there is a malfunction in the lock and the missile is not fired, the missile itself is still locked, but in this situation the text says " ACD lock still open ", OPEN.


If the lock is open what fix the missile to the pylon?


And what is the difference with this situation?


"5.6.9. Если ракета не сошла, то соответствующий жёлтый бленкер наличия на ПИ-10П мигает в течение 4 сек, а затем гаснет, и если гашетка П оставалась нажатой, то автоматически через 2-3 сек (если есть в наличии однотипная готовая к пуску ракета) сойдет вторая ракета, кроме случая с ракетой РГС в варианте применения ЧАСТЬ. "


" If the missile is not launched, the respective yellow light presented in the ПИ-10П blinks for 4 seconds and then turn off, "


What is the difference between a fire malfunction with a yellow light blinking only for 4 seconds, and a fire malfunction where the light blinks all the time ?


I know to a russian native this kind of questions would be boring but i appreciate your help very much. Me and all the spanish community.


Thanks in advance

" You must think in russian.."



Windows 7 Home Premium-Intel 2500K OC 4.6-SSD Samsung EVO 860- MSI GTX 1080 - 16G RAM - 1920x1080 27´


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Well, imagine that malfunctions not only a rocket, but also an ACD lock. I.e. command to launch passed, ACD lock opens, but rocket was not catapulted from pylon. After timeout ACD lock should be closed, but it didn't happened. We have serious danger here - rocket can slide from ACD in any second, thats why it's forbidden to land with this malfunction.


Section 5.6.9 describes situation when rocket didn't catapulted from ACD and ACD lock succesfully closed - rocket will not slide from ACD, it's safe.


That's the difference.

WBR, =FV=BlackDragon.


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Thanks Dragony. Now is very clear. Awesome help like always...

" You must think in russian.."



Windows 7 Home Premium-Intel 2500K OC 4.6-SSD Samsung EVO 860- MSI GTX 1080 - 16G RAM - 1920x1080 27´


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