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Master switch (shift+m) only partially "works"


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When in the 25t, and flying a mission from complete start (e.g. Death Valley) pressing shift+m for master on/off will not make any changes in the cockpit, yet the engines are able to start (not sure if they do this anyway?)


Well, it's frustrating.. and I don't know what's changed on the system. I've not installed, or even used anything else. Reinstalling Lockon (from complete scratch) has made no difference, infact it's now worse.. parts of the cockpit no longer even render such as dials and the hand grip/pad under the HUD. If I fly the quickstart mission, the HUD is ok, but cockpit still has sections missing.


I'm all out of ideas.. anyone else got some?

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your game is really f-ed up... un-install lockon again, remove any remnants of it manually from the program files folder, defrag the HD and re-install.


To start the Su-25T Press RightWin+Home to start engines and then press shift+L to turn on the electronics. After the engines are spooled, wait a little longer before taxing or the gyro will get screwy and show you incorect aircraft roll on the ADI and HUD.


Shift+m is the master caution and does nothing in the start up proceedure.


Hope this helps!

DCS Wishlist: 1) FIX THE DAMN RIVERS!!! 2) Spherical or cylindrical panorama view projection. 3) Enhanced input options (action upon button release, etc). 4) Aircraft flight parameter dump upon exit (stick posn, attitude, rates, accel, control volume, control-surface positions, SAS bias, etc). 5) ADS-33 maneuver courses as static objects. 6) Exposed API or exports of trim position and stick force for custom controllers. 7) Select auto multiple audio devices

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When in the 25t, and flying a mission from complete start (e.g. Death Valley) pressing shift+m for master on/off will not make any changes in the cockpit, yet the engines are able to start (not sure if they do this anyway?)


Well, it's frustrating.. and I don't know what's changed on the system. I've not installed, or even used anything else. Reinstalling Lockon (from complete scratch) has made no difference, infact it's now worse.. parts of the cockpit no longer even render such as dials and the hand grip/pad under the HUD. If I fly the quickstart mission, the HUD is ok, but cockpit still has sections missing.


I'm all out of ideas.. anyone else got some?




I'm pretty comfortable in a Toad-Pit, but have never had to resort to Shift-M......As said, toggle the APU with Shift-L and then the consequent Engine start.


That said - the above is probably not at all related to your problems as per the screenshot. Rather, do you have your textures set to High in your Options/Graphics in-game settings?


Another aspect might be your installation process. Have you patched correctly?


Can you state your installation procedure?


Upon uninstallation, as well as manually removing all files from your programs Folder, did you also manually clear the registry to avoid possible gremlins at reinstallation?

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Hi, sorry for lack of replies.. been away the last two days.


Anyway, I have shift+m mapped as what is normally shift+l - to save confusion :)


I installed the english cockpit mod and it "fixed" the dials, I think the default textures may have been corrupt for some bizzare reason. Completely removed my graphics.cfg and reapplied the FPS tweak mod, which recreated the graphics.cfg file and fixed the lack of hud.


I'm patched to 1.12b.


Thanks for the help all.

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