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i am sorry if this was asked before but i am searching 10 minutes now and i catn find any related post. will bs support natively widescreens through the engine? many people now have wide screens with both 16:9 and 16:10 ratios and i wander if they will be able to play this sim without any distorsions like in LO.



Also while i am posting, i would like to know if you will fully support TS cougar. the reason i am telling this is because in lockon cougars microstic isnt recognised as a microstic whitch created a few mapping dificulties for me.


thanks for your time

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In LO you also don't have any disortions. You have to only write 1.6 value in graphics.cfg (in Config folder).


   resolution = {1680, 1050};
   bpp = 32;
   fullscreen = 0;
   aspect = 1.6; [size=3][b]<--- here[/b][/size]
       resolution = {1680, 1050};
       bpp = 32;
       fullscreen = 0;
       aspect = 1.6;[size=3][b] <--- here[/b][/size]
       resolution = {1680, 1050};
       bpp = 32;
       fullscreen = 0;
       aspect = 1.6; [size=3][b]<--- here[/b][/size]
       resolution = {640, 480};
       fullscreen = 0;
       aspect = 1.3333; [size=3][b]<--- not important[/b][/size]


About Coughar support I don't know :(

Reminder: Fighter pilots make movies. Bomber pilots make... HISTORY! :D | Also to be remembered: FRENCH TANKS HAVE ONE GEAR FORWARD AND FIVE BACKWARD :D


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Thanks for trying a search, xhaos. Yes, Black Shark will include native support for widescreen resolutions. Your question about the Cougar was in fact asked before in the Q&A thread:


- EB


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The Parable of Jane's A-10

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i am sorry if this was asked before but i am searching 10 minutes now and i catn find any related post. will bs support natively widescreens through the engine? many people now have wide screens with both 16:9 and 16:10 ratios and i wander if they will be able to play this sim without any distorsions like in LO.



Also while i am posting, i would like to know if you will fully support TS cougar. the reason i am telling this is because in lockon cougars microstic isnt recognised as a microstic whitch created a few mapping dificulties for me.


thanks for your time


That is a Cougar-Problem, not that of LockOn. The Cougar's Ministick AFAIK is designed to simulate a mouse. To activate it, you can go into the Foxy-Composer and click the statement to use it as a mouse.

If you then start LockOn, under options and input you can choose "mouse" as device and assign x- and y-mouse-axis to whatever you want and use the ministick as a "minijoystick".


At least AFAIK that is the only way to activate the stick in general, because it is not recognized as axis-input-device in any game I tested. It's the same with the X52, btw but if there is a trick, maybe somebody can enlighten me/us? :huh:



There were some rumors in the past weeks, that Thrustmaster is woken up from hibernation and is going to release a revised version of the Cougar and reworked drivers for 64bit-systems. Maybe they will also release a new firmware, which will make this stick more useful.

The Ministick on the CH Throttle IMHO is the best example how to implement a ministick, though it's not really ergonomic and hard to use the button without moving the stick - nobody is perfect. :D


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That is a Cougar-Problem, not that of LockOn. The Cougar's Ministick AFAIK is designed to simulate a mouse.[...]


At least AFAIK that is the only way to activate the stick in general, because it is not recognized as axis-input-device in any game I tested. It's the same with the X52, btw but if there is a trick, maybe somebody can enlighten me/us?


You can have the cougar mini stick used as joystick axis too. But since DirectX only supports at most 8 axes, you have to disable some other axis to do that and move the microstick-axes to two of the first 8 for DirectX to recognize them.


Toe-brakes are two obvious axes to move to axis 9 and 10, unless you actually have pedals with toe-brakes connected to your Cougar (if it's connected directly to the PC then it doesn't matter, it will be a separate joystick with its own 8 axes to use).


You can change which axis is which number from the Cougar Control Panel.

Edited by arneh
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You can have the cougar mini stick used as joystick axis too. But since DirectX only supports at most 8 axis, you have to disable some other axis to do that and move the microstick-axis to two of the first 8 for DirectX to recognize them.


Toe-brakes are two obvious axis to move to axis 9 and 10, unless you actually have pedals with toe-brakes connected to your Cougar (if it's connected directly to the PC then it doesn't matter, it will be a separate joystick with its own 8 axis to use).


You can change which axis is which number from the Cougar Control Panel.



To be honest, I don't understand that. :(


1. The limit of 8 axis means 8 axis per device, IIRC.

2. My Cougar has only 7 Axis, 3 are disabled (Rudder and both toebrakes) in the control-panel.


So if I have no rudder connected, it has only 7 axis connected overall, but no matter what I set the ministick to, if I don't map it as a mouse, it doesn't work in any game I have.

That also corresponds to the axis-overview, where the ministick is not available as an axis either. :huh:


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1. The limit of 8 axis means 8 axis per device, IIRC.


Yes, but the pedals and toe brakes are the same device as the Cougar.


2. My Cougar has only 7 Axis, 3 are disabled (Rudder and both toebrakes) in the control-panel.


But they don't just have to be disabled, but also among the first 8 axes for DirectX to see them. This is how it is by default, and you can see that the Microstick is on axes 9 and 10 and won't work:



While if you change it to something like this on axis 7 and 8, then DirectX should see them (but disable using it as a mouse in the profile then, it can't be both a joystick and a mouse at the same time):


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