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[No Bug] Can't use IRMV from tpod


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I have been looking for some information but I haven't found anything. Maybe it is not a bug, but I am a bit confused on using the MAVs with the TPOD G4


For some reason I can't get IRMV from  TPOD designate mode:

1. Sensor select Down twice --> select TPOD as SOI
2. Slew TDC and find the target
3. cage/uncage --> uncage maverick
4. Sensor select forward --> IRMV (not working). IRMV symbol doesn't appear in the MFD


But If I de-select TPOD as SOI once the MAV is uncaged, everything works.
1. Sensor select Down twice--> select TPOD
2. Slew and find the target
3. cage/uncage --> uncage maverick
4. Sensor select Down twice--> deselect TPOD and return to INS (is it really necesary to return to INS?)
5. Sensor select forward --> IRMV (working) IRMV symbol appears in the MFD
6. TDC down --> MAV lock
7. Fire


It is intended? can't use MAVs if TPOD is SOI? or it is a bug?


Thanks in advance


Edited by daemon1808
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16 minutes ago, daemon1808 said:

4. Sensor select Down twice--> deselect TPOD and return to INS (is it really necesary to return to INS?)
It is intended? can't use MAVs if TPOD is SOI? or it is a bug?


That is correct.


The Harrier doesn't have a "SOI" principle like in A-10 or F/A-18C.

You have a "HOTAS MODE" that is the Sensor-Select-Switch 2x that will dedicate it to TPOD control alone.

You "Enter" and "Exit" this HTS mode always with 2x push. And as long you are in the mode, the SSS will only operate the TPOD.


The AV-8B N/A Harrier has very well designed layout (that Razbam has not modeled correctly) and at the time when it was new, it was something special. Because even compared to 2005 Hornet that didn't have LITENING or ATFLIR at the time, were limited to NITEHAWK targeting pod that was just forward seeing, so you didn't have good visibility to rear parts like today. 

And example in the first Gulf War there was only four NITEHAWK pods available. 


At the time (in-service since 1987) AV-8B N/A was huge factor as it could operate at night time and it had own contrast lock based targeting system in its nose, laser spot tracker integrated to same camera. As those Hornets that used NITEHAWK, couldn't designate target with the laser for themselves with it, as they needed a another The ASQ-173 pod to acquire the laser spot for delivery. 


At that time the Harrier operated without targeting pod as it was not required. You had ground troops designating the targets and DMT included LST to lock on that laser spot at night.

You got FLIR imagery for the HUD or MFCD and whole system was without "2x SSS".


Then later a laser self-designation was required, and AV-8B Harrier fleet received the LITENING before USMC C Hornets (D models got it too).

And one simple way to integrated the LITENING to Harrier user interface was to make it a separate sensor.  Hence the 2x SSS to enter and exit the HTS mode.

Otherwise you just used SSS to switch the important systems to panels.


SSS Left = EHSD and EW pages to left MFCD

SSS Right = FLIR to right MFCD 

SSS Aft = LST/TV for right MFCD

SSS Forward = HUD (INS) designation or maverick video to left MFCD. 


What there is not modeled is that first time you uncage the maverick, the maverick video should pop to left MFCD in any page.

If you switch away from that maverick video page (using OSB or SSS Left) before launch, then to get it back you need to open Stores page and uncage the maverick again. 

But otherwise you shouldn't need to go to Stores page to get IR or Laser Maverick video visible on left MFCD.

This way the SSS is very is and simple to use, you don't assign different pages to different sides as those are the only critical important ones that you quickly and easily open visible.


So now when you add the Targeting Pod for your arsenal, it doesn't have a SSS direction control. It doesn't fully replace the DMT itself (you need to keep DMT powered so it doesn't brake its gimbal as it is otherwise freely moving) but you don't need to use DMT anymore as such way. But you couldn't put the TPOD as SSS Aft function because you wouldn't have any means to control the pod using HOTAS as you would only be able do so using the OSB then. So not so good idea. 


And this is why you need to use 2x SSS to exit the HOTAS mode so that you get to use SSS Forward to switch between INS/IRMV for TDC control.

As when you are using TPOD, you are don't be using DMT at all, so it becomes little odd to use 2x SSS as it sounds first as unnecessary extra step, and especially stupid as you lose other SSS functions meanwhile.


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19 hours ago, Fri13 said:


That is correct.


The Harrier doesn't have a "SOI" principle like in A-10 or F/A-18C.

You have a "HOTAS MODE" that is the Sensor-Select-Switch 2x that will dedicate it to TPOD control alone.

You "Enter" and "Exit" this HTS mode always with 2x push. And as long you are in the mode, the SSS will only operate the TPOD.


The AV-8B N/A Harrier has very well designed layout (that Razbam has not modeled correctly) and at the time when it was new, it was something special. Because even compared to 2005 Hornet that didn't have LITENING or ATFLIR at the time, were limited to NITEHAWK targeting pod that was just forward seeing, so you didn't have good visibility to rear parts like today. 

And example in the first Gulf War there was only four NITEHAWK pods available. 


At the time (in-service since 1987) AV-8B N/A was huge factor as it could operate at night time and it had own contrast lock based targeting system in its nose, laser spot tracker integrated to same camera. As those Hornets that used NITEHAWK, couldn't designate target with the laser for themselves with it, as they needed a another The ASQ-173 pod to acquire the laser spot for delivery. 


At that time the Harrier operated without targeting pod as it was not required. You had ground troops designating the targets and DMT included LST to lock on that laser spot at night.

You got FLIR imagery for the HUD or MFCD and whole system was without "2x SSS".


Then later a laser self-designation was required, and AV-8B Harrier fleet received the LITENING before USMC C Hornets (D models got it too).

And one simple way to integrated the LITENING to Harrier user interface was to make it a separate sensor.  Hence the 2x SSS to enter and exit the HTS mode.

Otherwise you just used SSS to switch the important systems to panels.


SSS Left = EHSD and EW pages to left MFCD

SSS Right = FLIR to right MFCD 

SSS Aft = LST/TV for right MFCD

SSS Forward = HUD (INS) designation or maverick video to left MFCD. 


What there is not modeled is that first time you uncage the maverick, the maverick video should pop to left MFCD in any page.

If you switch away from that maverick video page (using OSB or SSS Left) before launch, then to get it back you need to open Stores page and uncage the maverick again. 

But otherwise you shouldn't need to go to Stores page to get IR or Laser Maverick video visible on left MFCD.

This way the SSS is very is and simple to use, you don't assign different pages to different sides as those are the only critical important ones that you quickly and easily open visible.


So now when you add the Targeting Pod for your arsenal, it doesn't have a SSS direction control. It doesn't fully replace the DMT itself (you need to keep DMT powered so it doesn't brake its gimbal as it is otherwise freely moving) but you don't need to use DMT anymore as such way. But you couldn't put the TPOD as SSS Aft function because you wouldn't have any means to control the pod using HOTAS as you would only be able do so using the OSB then. So not so good idea. 


And this is why you need to use 2x SSS to exit the HOTAS mode so that you get to use SSS Forward to switch between INS/IRMV for TDC control.

As when you are using TPOD, you are don't be using DMT at all, so it becomes little odd to use 2x SSS as it sounds first as unnecessary extra step, and especially stupid as you lose other SSS functions meanwhile.


Uau, thanks for the explanation Fri13. I was not sure if it was a bug or not, but after reading your information, it seem that it is not.

Thanks for all!

This thread can be closed then!

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