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[TRK. REQ] TOT and TTT status check.


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Do these functions work as intended now? I have tried both methods, with reasonable times, and was unable to make them work. TTT just steadily increased required speed, even though I was flying towards target waypoint faster than recommended, and TOT just displayed static speed all the time.

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  • myHelljumper changed the title to [TRK. REQ] TOT and TTT status check.

AV-8B TOT.trk

AV-8B TTT.trk

Here, air start, empty map with 5 waypoints. Time functions were tested on waypoints other than the first. Time window for both TTT and TOT was pretty close to time to waypoint (which is displayed on EHSD). In an example with TOT I was able to reach waypoint 4 close to desired time by simply comparing HUD timer provided by TOT function and time to waypoint from EHSD and adjusting speed accordingly. Both TOT and TTT seem to display way too low speed at the beginning and steadily increasing it to the unreachable numbers (despite the fact that most of the way I was going faster than recommended). Maybe I don't understand something, but I thought if I set TOT close to one calculated by nav system, I would be asked to just maintain current speed with small corrections, but that's not what TOT and TTT are asking now. Also there are two other bugs demonstrated in "TOT" track:


1) Waypoint direction marker shows incorrect side in de-centered EHSD mode (W1 is at 288, current heading is 352, blinking waypoint arrow points to the right), it seems to remain on the same side where it was when waypoint direction moved from visible de-centered "compass arc", and changes side only when WPT is in this arc again. (Example screenshot is not form the same flight represented in track)

2) EXP knob allows usage of expendables only from selected blocks instead of setting priority to them while still allowing chaff/flare deployment form other, not selected ones.

If chaff is in top two blocks only and I set EXP knob in DWN position, flares will be released from bottom blocks (correct), but chaff release command will not release them (it will later, when I move EXP knob in UP position), and flare dispense will cease when bottom blocks will be emptied (with two upper ones full). EXP shouldn't disable unselected blocks, it just sets priority to top or bottom ones. (AFAIK)

Edited by Aernov
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