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Sea reflecting non-existent clouds

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i was playing raven one mission 4, successfuly finished it and ran mission 5.

this is what i saw. the sea is reflecting clouds even though the mission has clear sky.

i then restarted the game and the issue was gone.







i then again run mission 4 from mission editor, exited, ran mission 5 and saw this again. this time white instead of black.




Edited by dorianR666
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CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1600X


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Oof. I really like the 2.7 update in general, but I have to say a lot of things are broken since 2.7

Cloud jitter, lacking contrast in VR, low quality of night lighting, and things like this are not easy fix. I really feel ED should slow down a little bit and make the game back on track again before hyping upcoming maps and modules.

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