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Max speed


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  • ED Team

Yes, he did.


By the way, he mentioned that rotor rpm value is 82% at low blades pitch but the engine runs at TO power.


Pull up must be as gentle as you can.


No turbulence of course. Significant turbulence puts restrictions for some maneuvers.

Ніщо так сильно не ранить мозок, як уламки скла від розбитих рожевих окулярів

There is nothing so hurtful for the brain as splinters of broken rose-coloured spectacles.

Ничто так сильно не ранит мозг, как осколки стекла от разбитых розовых очков (С) Me

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  • ED Team
Yeah that was the problem.

I see that if you avoid to over speed the engines by lowering the collective accordingly the aircraft wont break at higher speeds.


I can guess that the statement must be inversed: if you avoid to under speed the rotor it wont break. The higher is rotor rpm the lower is flapping, that's the point.

Ніщо так сильно не ранить мозок, як уламки скла від розбитих рожевих окулярів

There is nothing so hurtful for the brain as splinters of broken rose-coloured spectacles.

Ничто так сильно не ранит мозг, как осколки стекла от разбитых розовых очков (С) Me

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  • ED Team

1. Yes.

2. No. As you can see the blades travels up and down during one rotor revolution. It permits to avoid rotating moment due to the different velocities of advancing and retreating blades. This movement provides necessary blade AoA difference to compensate it. It is FLAPPING. As the speed increases the flapping increases too.

The centripetal force lowers flapping so if your rpm decreases and the flapping becomes higher you will get blades intersection.

Ніщо так сильно не ранить мозок, як уламки скла від розбитих рожевих окулярів

There is nothing so hurtful for the brain as splinters of broken rose-coloured spectacles.

Ничто так сильно не ранит мозг, как осколки стекла от разбитых розовых очков (С) Me

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