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After enjoying a three day weekend, the Cockpit Controls part 2 exam has been posted. This is the second of four exams covering this chapter. I will post part 3 tomorrow and part 4 on Wednesday.


I'm currently working through the AMMS section creating exams. I'll start posting those next week. ED has really went into detail on this system. A lot of features hidden deep in the manual that will really aid you as a pilot once you get over blowing up airport structures from a hover.:joystick:



Edited by SunDown
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FYI, the full title of the training center in Torzhok is "The Center for Combat Employment and Conversion Training of Army Aviation Flight Personnel." Let's see, that would be... CCECTAAFP...? :D


Like the Americans, the Russians usually refer to combat helicopters simply as Army Aviation and this title carries a lot of meaning for the people involved.

- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

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