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Record who killed what targets


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It's not a default option, but you can write a Lua script that does that for you. There are significant caveats, though:

  • Lua scripts can't write to your file system unless you specifically disable the sanitize module function (trust me, it's a good thing that Lua scripts can't write nilly-willy to your drive
  • That score-keeping script must EITHER be included into all missions that you want to record kills
  • OR it is run on the server to record kills. In that case, only missions that you run as server will record kills. 
  • You may be able to use the export data module for this purpose, but I have never done this.


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3 hours ago, HungryCoyote said:

Not sure if this is an editor or server question. Is there any way to store data, maybe as a txt file to keep track of which players have destroyed certain targets?

as an example, this code will create a .txt file in your Logs when writePlayerKillTable() function is called. Uses MIST and you need to "comment" two lines (--sanitizeModule('io') and --sanitizeModule('lfs')) in DCS\Scripts\MissionScripting.lua (Table lists Kills made by Players upon any unit with : PlayerNames, TargetNames and time) :

PlayerKillTable = {}

function KillEvent(event)
		if event.id == world.event.S_EVENT_KILL then
		if event.initiator ~= nil and event.target ~= nil and event.initiator:getPlayerName() ~= nil and event.target:getCategory() == 1 then
		local NewKillEntry = {initiator = event.initiator:getPlayerName(), target = event.target:getName(), Killtime = event.time}
		table.insert(PlayerKillTable, NewKillEntry)


function writePlayerKillTable()
		if #PlayerKillTable > 0 then
		mist.debug.writeData(mist.utils.serialize,{'PlayerKillTable', PlayerKillTable}, 'testKills.txt')


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50 minutes ago, HungryCoyote said:

This looks like exactly what I need. I am embarrassed to say I am not sure how to set it up. I commented the two lines and set up a trigger. What else am I missing?...

You have to use writePlayerKillTable() when you want it.

example trigger once -> Time > X seconds -> Do script text writePlayerKillTable()

(at time = X seconds the file is created containing all Players' kills and you get a message on screen that confirms it - if at least 1 kill has happened)

Edited by toutenglisse
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3 hours ago, HungryCoyote said:

This is working really well. One quick question, Is there a way to get it to log static buildings killed?


I've not tested, but this should work (it should create 2 files with the same previous function : 1 for Players kills on units and 1 for Players kills on scenrey objects, with typeNames) :

PlayerKillTable = {}
DestroyedScenaryTable = {}

function KillEvent(event)
		if event.id == world.event.S_EVENT_KILL then
		if event.initiator ~= nil and event.target ~= nil and event.initiator:getPlayerName() ~= nil and event.target:getCategory() == 1 then
		local NewKillEntry = {initiator = event.initiator:getPlayerName(), target = event.target:getName(), Killtime = event.time}
		table.insert(PlayerKillTable, NewKillEntry)
		elseif event.initiator ~= nil and event.target ~= nil and event.initiator:getPlayerName() ~= nil and event.target:getCategory() == 5 then
		local NewSceneryEntry = {initiator = event.initiator:getPlayerName(), target = event.target:getTypeName(), Killtime = event.time}
		table.insert(DestroyedScenaryTable, NewSceneryEntry)


function writePlayerKillTable()
		mist.debug.writeData(mist.utils.serialize,{'PlayerKillTable', PlayerKillTable}, 'testKills.txt')
		mist.debug.writeData(mist.utils.serialize,{'DestroyedScenaryTable', DestroyedScenaryTable}, 'testScenDest.txt')



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2 hours ago, HungryCoyote said:

This works great for my needs. Just an fyi for anyone else using this, It works for everything except statics. Again, thank you very much.

Here on this page you have the list of numbers for all categories (Statics are 3) DCS Class Object - DCS World Wiki - Hoggitworld.com

You can add the category you want the same way than the 2 others.

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