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Option for TADS AGC to be turned off?


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Using the TADS sometimes gets really frustrating in FLIR as when even a sliver of sky is visible suddenly the whole brightness and gain level change ridiculously, then you zoom or you slew a bit and suddenly the sky is not in the picture anymore, you gotta twiddle the knobs again. If you want to see the ground and vehicles well you have to fiddle with the knobs all the time, in particular every time you switch zoom levels. I don't mind the sky being blindingly bright, on the video display, I want the ground to be the same image quality no matter what I do. It seems like the camera is trying to fot the range of temperatures onto the display that it can see, rather than assigning any particular temperature a pixel intensity and keeping it there (which would be my preference), no matter what other temperatures are in view. For example if you have a 40°C tank, 25°C ground and a 500°C fire on a burning tank, I want to tell the difference between the tank and the ground, not have it be the same because suddenly everything but the fire turns black on the display.

Now the question is. Is that realistic? Is there an option I can make in some MFD menu to make it assign pixel intensity to temperatures and not care about the hottest/coldest spot in the image? The pilot has an AGC switch for the PNVS but it doesn't appear to do anything. That system has the same issues. I like to use it in daytime to look through the canopy frame, but whenever a sliver of sky is visible the ground just turns black (ie. transparent) in the HDU. I can adjust the brightness and gain knobs to see the ground (the sky turns opaque, but that's fine), but when I then look at the ground again without the sky in view, everything just turns white, which completely defeats the purpose. I want to see, not twiddle knobs all day long every time the sky gets in view or not.

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