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Amraam MRPF odd behavior


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1. tacview: check my 2nd (last amraam, what it does on the end). Even I was gone, missile should in Pitbull mode, and follow some target (plane or chat or what ever). But here it change its course completely into unknown. Didn`t save a track, but you might get something from tacview as well.

2. tacview: also, 2 amraam missed completely. I saved the trakc if needed.


Tacview-20220504-221220-DCS.zip.acmi Tacview-20220504-222232-DCS.zip.acmi f16_dogfight_jf17_6_issue_amraam.trk

Edited by skywalker22
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I tested against Su-27, Mig-29, Mirage 2000, F-15, F-16, against all behavior of the radar seems to be just fine. AMRAAM is still not OK. Only the JF-17 seems to cause problems. That I can tell so far. 

Im sorry for being like a pain in the arse, but would like to come to the bottom of this issue we are facing. And the truth is, 90% of all my practice had been flown against Jeff, maybe thats why all these issues have been appearing. So ED, check the JF-17 plane, maybe is there an issue, and not the radar and amraams on F-16. My few cents.

PS: adding 2 tracks vs Mirage and F-15.


f16_dogfight_f15_OK.trk f16_dogfight_mirage2000_OK.trk

Tacview-20220504-224857-DCS.zip.acmi Tacview-20220504-224111-DCS.zip.acmi

Edited by skywalker22
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  • skywalker22 changed the title to Amraam MRPF odd behavior
  • 4 weeks later...

Hmm interesting the max G pull away bug seems to be back in some of the shots.  This was a bug seen sometime early last year where a missile if notched, even for a microsecond, will make a hard if not max g pull away from the target.   Eating chaff that is well behind the target and at 0 airspeed is apparently also still a thing that's rather disappointing as that was a MAJOR issue since I started playing in 2013.  But it seemed to have somewhat go away starting in 2021.  Also one of the missiles just didn't reacquire which was strange thought had been somewhat fixed although maybe its not anymore?  Lots of different bugs that either i've reported or have seen being represented here.

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