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In Air refuel script


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@algherghezghez yes it is possible, but while it does work with both "Client" or "Player' units, it will only work in singleplayer (as it respawns inside a "Player" skill aircraft only - not possible to respawn inside a client aircraft - it would destroy existing Player unit each time another one use the respawn by refuel)

I attached a .miz example. Choose hornet/viper client slot and enter inside the moving zone attached to tanker (close to it). When you are inside there is a little lag while you respawn with full fuel tanks, with a message. The script gets all initial datas from your aircraft, and respawns it with the fuel maxed out (and position/speed updated). EDIT : as a downside effect, it also restore initial AC conditions... (no damage, initial weapons loadout)

If you don't have the hornet/viper change the type to one you have in mission editor, change skill to player or client and reduce the fuel to very low.




Edited by toutenglisse
example/script correction
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