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Radar/OLS is totally broken in Multiplayer


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Last patch added another bug to the growing list of FC3 radar issues:

In multiplayer you can lock anything from anywhere - even with radar off from NAV mode.

Pressing lock button will simply cycle through all aircrafts on the server, doesn't matter where they are.

I attached a track: Server_1_Operation_Urban_Thunder_V7.2.9-20230126-215940.trk

These screenshots show me on Growling Sidewinder server on the parking area. I am casually locking some enemy aircraft 280 km away. Note the missing HUD symbology that would be there for a real target lock.


Edited by BlackPixxel
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Yes, that is crazy. Maybe it is possible to lock targets from link, but when I am in a dogfight with vertical scan (visual range mode), and if I click lock a second too early, I will lock on a plane 100km away... And then "lock" second time will just switch on next plane, i.E. 90km away. By third time I usually already have fat rocket on my way.

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