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Sortie 6 timings

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In this video the oil dilution button has visible effect on oil pressure, unlike when I press it. Maybe some patch broke it?

So I start taxi with too low temps, but during taxi it goes up and at takeoff it's almost at minimum... But never had problems with engine.

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OK I just flew the whole mission, came back with a 190 destroyed and 30 gallons of fuel to spare.

I started the engine after the briefing, had 15 C of oil temp at 14:01:30, taxied after my lead at 14:02, was airborne by 14:03.

Just keep the oil dilution depressed and keep increasing the throttle until the oil pressure is pegged so that it warms up faster.

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Thanks for your feedback, much appreciated. I got around to finishing sortie 6 yesterday but didn't manage to bag a 190! I did make it back with plenty of fuel though. Really enjoying this campaign and already have Speed & Angels and Zone 5 ready to go in my library next!

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