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Sinpo Class Norh Korean submarine with missile v 1.0

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  • tripod3 changed the title to Sinpo Class Norh Korean submarine with missile v 1.0
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Sinpo data available:
Sinpo-C SSB
Displacement: 2000 subm In Class: 0 + 1
Size Class: C/Small In Service: ?
Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: ?
Electrn Cnt: None Acoust Cnt: ?
Signature: VSmall/Noisy Armor Rating: 0
Max Depth: ? Btry Rtng: ?

Weapons: ROF
(1)3 Pukguksong-1 [KN-11] --
PB&SB(1)2 or (2)2 533mm TT w/2 or 4 CHT-02D torp F
Sensors: ESM/AIR: ?
? J
? K

Possible successor to Gorae [Sinpo-B] class. Special damage modifier of -10% for DPRK construction.

Damage & Speed Breakdown:
Dam Pts: 0 14 27 41 49 54
Surf Speed: ? ? ? ? 0 Sinks
Subm Speed: ? ? ? ? 0 Sinks

Gorae [Sinpo-B] SSBA
Displacement: 1600 subm In Class: 1
Size Class: C/Small In Service: 2014
Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 70
Signature: VSmall/Noisy Armor Rating: 0
Max Depth: Int II Btry Rtng: e100

Weapons: ROF
(1)1 Pukguksong-1 [KN-11] --
PB&SB(1)2 or (2)2 533mm TT w/2 or 4 CHT-02D torp F

? J
Hull sonar K

Experimental test platform. Special damage modifier of -10% for DPRK construction.

Damage & Speed Breakdown:
Dam Pts: 0 12 24 35 42 47
Surf Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks
Subm Speed: 10 8 5 3 0 Sinks

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