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Mission 3 Texaco/Exxon Tanker Question 2nd Part of Mission

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I thought I saw this elsewhere but now I cannot find the post. After taking out the targets and heading to the second tanker I am not finding Exon 55. I got to button 8, TACAN to 15x, TACAN is ON, navigate to where the tanker is supposed to be and its not there and I cannot contact the tanker on button 8. The kneeboard says Exxon is on button 8, TACAN 15x and at FL200. I thought I saw somewhere that there is not an Exxon just Texaco. Hope this makes sense. Anyone else have this issue? Thanks

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Finally finished the mission, there was not an "Exxon" the TACAN 15X worked but as far as coms go in F10 I Texaco as the only option, and on the map Texaco showed up as Alico. I was at the wrong altitude, I was at at 20,000 feet and should have been at 22,000. So I was able to find the tanker, however hooking up with the tanker, that is a totally different story, those wingtip vortices are quite the challenge. Thank you for adding the ability to save and move on without actually having to hook up with the tanker. Really liking this campaign. 

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Hi Msn 3 Manpad issue now fixed, so thanks for that.  But, still won't give mission completed after landing back on the carrier.  I've done it after fake tanking from Exxon and flying directly back after Al Basrah CAS.    Deck is also fouled with F18 across it.  Am only being awarded a "draw".  Really enjoying it otherwise.

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