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More sophisticated weather system


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First of all, I think DCS is a great product and the attention to detail is unparalleled, but in my opinion the weather system is one area where at least for me it is quite dated.

I don't mean visuals (they're great) but the simulation of the air we fly in. I'll try to break it down:

1. Wind direction - it's too stable. Wind constantly changes IRL - perhaps use an arc and change frequency instead of a single direction?

2. Wind speed - just like above, give us the ability to set min/max and change frequency (freq could use the same value as above for simplicity's sake)

3. Wind gusts - adding them would bring a lot of realism to the game. They should use separate direction arc/strength/frequency.

4. Visibility/humidity - the current fog is in my opinion not enough. Some more options would bring a lot to the sim.

5. Vertical air movement (thermals/turbulences) - we have lots of desert maps in DCS, I'm sure all those cities should produce big thermals, especially at noon. Also things like forests or hillsides should produce up/down drafts.

I'd like to point out I'm this is not the same as dynamic weather. All of the changes above could still use predefined, "static" weather presets, which could later be expanded to change over time.


Also, I know that when flying at mach 1.5 at 30k ft none of this would matter but the "DCS experience" is much more than just that. Helis, warbirds, even some cold war jets would greatly benefit from those improvements and as for big jets - you still have to take-off or land sometimes. Not to mention the effect it would have on unguided weapons.

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I would agree though, that the "liveliness" of the medium around you is one of the weaker points of DCS. Regardless of settings.

Any improvement would be much appreciated.

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