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First and foremost, most, if not all of the locations I'm about to suggest have been suggested in the past at one point or another. The point of this is to discuss potential locations, and the time frames to be modeled.

Finally, none of the locations I'm about suggest would be modeled in their current day forms. The reason for this is both due to technical reasons (some of the locations have a large number of detailed buildings that will drag frame-rates to a crawl), and political reasons.

With those bits put out... off we go:
Location: Carribean
Year: 1962


Reasons: in 1962, this region was a potential flashpoint for the Cold War. Outside of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the potential US Invasion of Cuba had the Cold War gone hot, players could perform modern incarnations of the CMC, as well as Counter-Narco missions, Maritime Patrol, SAR, Mass Evac,

Location: Adriatic
Year: 1955


Reasons: Although the map year would be set after WW2, the Italian Front was a major part of the Allied war effort in WW2, laying the foundation for several historic battles. During the Cold War, the countries east of the Adriatic were all under the control of the Soviet Union, making for another potential flashpoint for the Cold War. Being set in the 50s, or even the early 60s, would allow for the majority of the airbases and airports in the region to be capable of handling modern jets.

Location: North Sea
Year: 1960s


Reasons: Like Italy above, this was a major potential flashpoint during the Cold War, and during WW2, there were several battles that took place. You have a potential the Eastern Front, as well as the Allied Air Raids on Berlin. In the Cold War you have the Berlin Airlift, or a jumping off point for a Third World War scenario. Most importantly to fans of the AJS-37 Viggin, this would be their playground.

Location: Korean Paninsula
Year: 1976


Reasons: One obvious reason is a reinactment of the 1950-1953 Korean War, with the Saber and Mig15 squaring off. As well as high potential for more modern jets performing border patrols near the DMZ. Given the proximity to China, this could also be a flashpoint for any conflict with China. For WW2 buffs, the potential for running "Operation Downfall" is also present.

Location: South China Sea
Year: 1969


Reasons: Other than the obvious (Vietnam War), there's a potential for combat actions between the US and China/Soviet Union forces operating in the area. With the right WW2 kit, you could also recreate the battles between the French forces and the Vietmin, or part of the Allied Campaign to retake the Philippines. Those looking for a more modern approach, some of the natural Paracel Islands were present, so possible modern amphibious operations could be conducted.


That's all I've got for now.

What do you guys think?

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