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Erroneous flight control behaviour after dropping 1 GBU38


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Recently during multiplayer games, I noticed that my F-16EX stick is behaving erratically.

After dropping off my first of 2 GBU38's, I would expect some asymmetric roll behaviour due to imbalanced payload. But in addition to that, I also have very weird behaviour on the pitch. The stick wants to pitch down quite strongly, and as time progresses that gets stronger. I also noticed that to get out of the pitch down momentum, I need to very aggressively and forcefully pitch up, which then temporarily makes it pitch slightly up. Then when I pitch down again, the stick automatically pitches down fairly strongly. Trimming doesn't seem to help.

In addition, after dropping the first GBU38, I can no longer drop the second GBU. The process is the same: slew on target and TMS Up, which should lock the target and allow me to drop when within range. I have not had this problem with instant flight, just with multiplayer servers.

I'm on OpenBeta

Edited by BaronVonVaderham
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