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Hola,   no se si  alguien mas tiene  problemas   después de la ultima actualización  2.9,  con las unidades  de barcos y portaviones,   ya  que  no salen en la misión,   no se cargan,   salen los aviones   solamente,    y algunos    carros blindados tampoco,  no salen ni para  volar,  en el portaviones ni    para  que  los use la IA.


Edited by Denmon2
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  • 3 weeks later...

Still having problems after recent 10th April update? I'd suggest to remove the mods first, then try to repair/clean DCS and finally check antivirus software for blocked/quarantined game files.

🖥️ Win10  i7-10700KF  32GB  RTX3060   🥽 Rift S   🕹️ T16000M  TWCS  TFRP   ✈️ FC3  F-14A/B  F-15E   ⚙️ CA   🚢 SC   🌐 NTTR  PG  Syria

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  • 4 weeks later...

Cambie el nombre de la carpeta \juegos guardados\DCS\

Ejecute DCS y compruebe si hay algún problema.

Muéstranos el archivo \juegos guardados\DCS\logs\dcs.log

🖥️ Win10  i7-10700KF  32GB  RTX3060   🥽 Rift S   🕹️ T16000M  TWCS  TFRP   ✈️ FC3  F-14A/B  F-15E   ⚙️ CA   🚢 SC   🌐 NTTR  PG  Syria

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Yo tengo el mismo problema y revisando los logs me aparece el siguiente mensaje:

2024-05-25 18:36:20.478 INFO    APP (Main): MissionSpawn:spawnShips 9
2024-05-25 18:36:20.492 ERROR   wWeaponSystemManager (Main): Invalid sensor height! (L61)
2024-05-25 18:36:20.495 ERROR   woShip (Main): Failed to create ship: Descriptor not found weapons.shells.M2_12_7_T
2024-05-25 18:36:20.496 ERROR   wWeaponSystemManager (Main): Invalid sensor height! (L52)
2024-05-25 18:36:20.496 ERROR   woShip (Main): Failed to create ship: Descriptor not found weapons.shells.M61_20_HE_gr
2024-05-25 18:36:20.500 ERROR   wWeaponSystemManager (Main): Invalid sensor height! (F105)
2024-05-25 18:36:20.500 ERROR   woShip (Main): Failed to create ship: Descriptor not found weapons.shells.M61_20_HE_gr
2024-05-25 18:36:20.504 ERROR   wWeaponSystemManager (Main): Invalid sensor height! (F100)
2024-05-25 18:36:20.504 ERROR   woShip (Main): Failed to create ship: Descriptor not found weapons.shells.MK45_127
2024-05-25 18:36:20.515 INFO    APP (Main): MissionSpawn:spawnShips 80
2024-05-25 18:36:20.516 ERROR   wWeaponSystemManager (Main): Invalid sensor height! (ijn_shoho)
2024-05-25 18:36:20.516 ERROR   woShip (Main): Failed to create ship: Descriptor not found weapons.shells.Breda_37_HE
2024-05-25 18:36:20.517 ERROR   wWeaponSystemManager (Main): Invalid sensor height! (ijn_isuzu)
2024-05-25 18:36:20.517 ERROR   woShip (Main): Failed to create ship: Descriptor not found weapons.shells.AK100_100
2024-05-25 18:36:20.518 ERROR   wWeaponSystemManager (Main): Invalid sensor height! (Tamatsu_Maru)
2024-05-25 18:36:20.518 ERROR   woShip (Main): Failed to create ship: Descriptor not found weapons.shells.AK100_100
2024-05-25 18:36:20.519 ERROR   wWeaponSystemManager (Main): Invalid sensor height! (ijn_Ayanami)
2024-05-25 18:36:20.519 ERROR   woShip (Main): Failed to create ship: Descriptor not found weapons.shells.Breda_37_HE
2024-05-25 18:36:20.520 ERROR   WORLDGENERAL (Main): Sensor "RADAR_BAND1_FOR_ARM" info NOT FOUND !!!
2024-05-25 18:36:20.520 ERROR   WORLDGENERAL (Main): Sensor "DetectionByAWACS" info NOT FOUND !!!
2024-05-25 18:36:20.520 ERROR   wWeaponSystemManager (Main): Invalid sensor height! (kaigun_dai_kd_6_class)
2024-05-25 18:36:20.520 ERROR   TRANSPORT (Main): Failed to create ship: Descriptor not found weapons.shells.MK45_127
2024-05-25 18:36:20.520 ERROR   wWeaponSystemManager (Main): Invalid sensor height! (ijn_isuzu)
2024-05-25 18:36:20.520 ERROR   woShip (Main): Failed to create ship: Descriptor not found weapons.shells.AK100_100
2024-05-25 18:36:20.521 ERROR   wWeaponSystemManager (Main): Invalid sensor height! (ijn_nagato_n1k2)
2024-05-25 18:36:20.521 ERROR   woShip (Main): Failed to create ship: Descriptor not found weapons.shells.A222_130

¿Ha cambiado algo a partir de la versión 2.9 con las armas de los barcos?

Agradecerte cualquier aporte o pista sobre lo que ocurre.

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Los barcos IJN son modificaciones no oficiales. Póngase en contacto con el creador del mod.

🖥️ Win10  i7-10700KF  32GB  RTX3060   🥽 Rift S   🕹️ T16000M  TWCS  TFRP   ✈️ FC3  F-14A/B  F-15E   ⚙️ CA   🚢 SC   🌐 NTTR  PG  Syria

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