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What is an Ingress Point?


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Ok, I know this is going to sound so Rookie despite my years of playing Flight Sims (20+ years) but can someone tell me what the purpose of an Ingress Point is? How do I use it other than another waypoint to the target?


It is where I sit my chopper for attack?

If so, then I take it I will need to improvise too because when I sat on an IP, I had no sight to the target.


Or is it just a waypoint name you give before a target waypoint that has no strategic value?


So, i'm losing my understanding of what it is and is used for.



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Theoretically, you'd make your ingress point somewhere logical and safe to begin the attack. I like to think of it as where you begin your Death Star trench-run attack, like in Star Wars. :) Its where you turn and line up for your attack run. There's also the egress point after the attack, where you fly to after your "one pass" to proceed to "hauling ass".

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So, it isnt necessarily where I sit back and fire missles at enemy AA, Tanks etc.? And even if I should, there is no guarantee its line of site to the target?


That all being said, then when you get to the Ingress Point, from there, you may have to inspect the area and perhaps find another place to hover attack? It really is just a final waypoint before the target, but one where you slow down from travel and perhaps start turning on your Laser and Arming weapons etc.?

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Ingress point is where you turn toward the target. The range from the point and your target determines whether or not you hover there and attack or continue inbound towards your target.


Good places for ingress points:

1.) Mouths of valleys

2.) Gaps of radar coverage

3.) When attacking convoys, down the same line as the axis of advance



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Because no one has said the magic words yet regarding the datalink and wingmen:


The ingress point function is to describe an intermediate point between initial and destination.


Ingress datalink points are strictly modifiers to valid destinations and can never be used alone. Wingmen can only be told to go-to/attack a non-ingress point via an ingress and can never go-to/attack an ingress point itself.

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