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Since i read lots of threads where ppl struggle(d) to get the Apache Datalink to use, i recently posted a rather lenghty method in another (campaign related) thread.

I know this is not all-encompassing and that was not my intention, but i hope it will clarify some of the mistakes that can happen during setting up (e.g. using wrong preset; not tuning to SC; etc).

This will mainly focus on SP but most of it can be used to setup MP as well. It works for me with a cold and dark a/c.

Feel free to add any knowledge about the datalink (ingame) you have and are willing to share.

Hope it helps! Good hunting.


Am 18.9.2024 um 10:05 schrieb normanleto:

Guys, how is datalink usable in SP mission? I just set radios and TSD threat circles, but datalink? I was sure it is a MP feature only in apache?

lets say "it depends".

First things first: the only thing that is working for me so far, is to send and request the PP (present position) from AI, so that i can see the symbol of the sending AH-64D on the TSD. If i request FARM reports, i get none ("XMIT NAC"), while sending works (though even if the AI recieves it cant "do" anything with it ^^). Targets, FZs or NFZs, etc is still udner development afaik.


Ok, now lets start. The SP Mission has to be set up to support AH-64D datalink on every AH-64D (AI and player/clients). BUT most of this stuff can also be done ingame, though you need to know some info which can more easily be optained though the mission editor.


There is one (more like two) prohibiting option(s) that have to be checked to make it workable at all from my experience (see "c" and "d").


ME (mission edior) settings:

a) check or set frequencies, e.g. 225 AM. For AI this can only be set in the "unit" tab (when you click on a unit). check in the player AH-64D in the (unit tab ->) radio tab, that under ARC-164 (UHF radio) channel 2 you have the same freq (e.g. 225 MHz AM). [we use channel 2 because we will use Preset 2 for the datalink]

b) check "aircraft additional properties", some blue symbol lke 3 points in a row (lower unit tab where you can also choose waypoints, loadout, etc) -> check or set Datalink Originator ID and ownship callsign, e.g. i set the AI to be "Palehorse 6-1", gave it Datalink Orig ID of 6 and "datalink" callsign P-61 (addition: in the TSD for "P-61" you will only see "-61" bc it will only display 3 letters. Keep that in mind). Max number ID is 39. the callsign is just how that Apache will show up in Datalink and on the TSD.

c) check that in the "waypoint" tab, in the first waypoint there is: EPLRS on (sometimes "EPLRS(on) -a"). Normally its automatic but sometimes it got (or gets) erased. Like discriped in my previous post, i found out that if EPLRS is not set to "on", the AI will not use datalink (my assumption!).

d) set in the "datalinks" tab (pink tab with 3 little symbols like two squares and a rectangle) for EVERY AH64-D you want to communicate with by datalink:

datalinks -> SMDL (no other option atm) -> Settings: check that PRESET 2 is set to UHF SC (= single channel) and DL NET is ticked.   [addition: you can also change the name of the PRESETs here, but this is only how they show up on your (Apaches) COMs-page and EUFD. so not really needed atm and especially not needed for AI at all]

SMDL -> Networks: navigate to chosen Preset (in this case "2") and add the groups/units to that preset you want to reach via this preset (up to 8 primary members / 16 team members). There you can recheck datalink ID and c/s.


This is the (my) way, how I made it work for me. Not saying this is the method. Normally a difference in freq (UHF) to the Preset (e.g. if you choose VHF on PRE 1 instead of UHF PRE 2) shouldnt make a difference. BUT as long as we cant change freqs on AI aircraft (other then with set freq in waypoint options or the one "voice" freq in the main unit tab), the player has to be on the correct freq (so correct freq on the used preset), to communicate with AI via datalink.


Ingame (flight) settings:

I.) If we did set all up as described above we only have to "tune" to the correct Preset. Get in your Apache, set left MPD to COM. check the EUFD, use the "DL" labeled rocker (IDM Rocker Switch) down one to switch to UHF radio DL (the square with a hole in it) and also use the "RTS" rocker switch down once to switch "voice" also to the UHF radio (need it to change UHF preset). Now press on the "P" button on the right side of the EUFD to see all presets, and use the "WCA" labeled rocker switch (left side) down once to switch to Preset 2. Then press the "Enter" button on the right side EUFD.

Now on the EUFD it should display "(square with hole / < / dot) UHF* 225.000 PRE 2 L2 ..."

Go to the TSD (right MPD), press "RPT" (reports) top left. then left side "PP" (present position). check down left on the TSD page, if "MSG" is set to "RQST" or "SEND". put it to "RQST" if its not. Check if in the top right some datalink callsigns show up (in my case "-61" for Palehorse 6-1 and "R-1" for Rotary 1-1 (both AH-64D)). Choose if you want all of them "ticked" to send you their PP or just one etc. Press "SEND UHF L2" right side (only shows up if 1 "recepient" is ticked). Now some symbols (helicopter) with the datalink c/s should pop up on the position of the requested datalink members.

Make sure you zoomed the TSD out enough to see them, and make sure they are flying or at least are fully started up.

Check if you have line-of-sight and range to those datalink members (the UHF antenna is located on the underside of the tail boom !!!).

If you get "XMIT NAC" there might be something wrong, not set up correctly or an other factor.


II.) like i said you can set this all up within the cockpit. i will only briefly cover some hints to it here, but @Wags has some very good vids on datalink which i will link to at the end of this rather long post. 😉

a) COMs page, press "Preset 2 L2" on the left (if UHF is shown or not shown) -> "UHF" (top) -> "TUNE UHF" (down right) -> "SC" (UHF radio will be tuned to SC of preset 2. you can check SC of preset 2 in the middel, in my case "SC: 225.000".

b) COMs page in the middel you see "Ownship" and in my case "H-2" (Hammerhead 2-1) which is my Datalink callsign. Press "ORIG ID" on the lower row and you get your ownship datalink ID on the top right "DATALINK ORIG ID" in my case "2".

c) COMs page press "Preset 2" -> "NET" (lower row middel). Here you can see all your datalink "members" on that PRESET. you can also delete members, add members, switch if a member is team or primary, check their datalink IDs and c/s and you can also change them. this will only change those in YOUR aircraft. e.g. if you change the ID to an other number then set up in the ME, it will not work. The datalink IDs (on this page referred to as "SUB" = subscriber ID) are one per aircraft! Also the datalink c/s will only change how you see them on YOUR aircrafts datalink and thereby TSD. e.g. if i change the datalink c/s of "-61" (which is Palehorse 6-1) to "222" (always needs to be 3 letters), that aircraft will show up as "222" on my TSD, but nothing will change OUTSIDE of MY helicopter. He will still be Palehorse 6-1 on comms.

You should also have a member directory "MBR DIR" on the left lower side of the NET page. Here you should see all datalink aircrafts even if they are NOT put in YOUR preset. They show up with a/c callsign, datalink c/s and datalink ID. BUT, if the AI has not been set up in the ME to have YOUR aircraft in their preset, it WONT WORK.



Hope this all helps in getting you started! good luck 🙂



FARM Reports (NOT with AI !)


Target sharing via Datalink in multiplayer






sorry, this took some time and got to be a wall of text. but i thought i rather try to explain it completely and thoroughly then half hearted. if you have any more questions, ask or PM me.

Any typos or spelling mistakes are intentional 😉 english is not my first language, hope its read-able xD


Edited by Kharrn
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cool, I will spend time to read through it.... thanks.

  • Thanks 1

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